Jack Smith Reveals New Evidence Against Trump in J6 Case Headed to Supreme Court

 January 8, 2024

Donald Trump is hoping to have the Supreme Court rule that presidential immunity will block him from being prosecuted in the January 6 case brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

If the court does not rule in Trump's favor, Smith just added more evidence against Donald Trump.

According to the most recent reporting, Trump's former Deputy Chief of Staff, Dan Scavino, may have just buried Trump.

Scavino Rolls Over

Scavino, who has worked for Trump for decades and is still listed as a campaign adviser, spoke with Special Counsel Jack Smith's legal team about Trump's alleged actions that day.

After refusing to testify before the House Select Committee on January 6, Scavino did speak with Smith's team.

According to the ABC News report, Scavino told Smith's team that as the violence started to erupt that day, Donald Trump "was just not interested" in doing more to stop it from raging out of control.

When Trump was told that then-Vice President Pence had to be taken to a secure location, Scavino reportedly told Smith's team that the president's response was, "So what?"

The Selection Committee had accused Trump of "an utter moral failure" as well as "a clear dereliction of duty," and Scavino's account would apparently back that up.

"Smoke coming out of the Capitol"

The report went on to say that Trump had pretty much closed himself off from talking to all but a handful of advisers that day, with Scavino being one of them.

It further claimed that Scavino warned Trump that day, "This is all your legacy here, and there's smoke coming out of the Capitol."

The new report revealed that Scavino was the only other person to have access to Trump's Twitter account at the time, and when the post was made regarding Pence not having "the courage to do what should been done," aides rushed to find Scavino to ask him why he would post something that appeared to agitate the crowd even more. Scavino replied, "I didn't do it," with the implication being that Trump himself made that particular post.

It was not until 4:15 p.m. local time that Trump released a video message that stated, "This was a fraudulent election. But] we have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special." The House Select Committee found that the crowd started to disperse and leave the Capitol once Trump released that message.

When Trump's campaign team was asked about the ABC News report, it called it "second-hand hearsay." Dan Scavino has declined to comment about the report as of this writing.

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