J6 defendants threatened with MORE time if Supremes knock down 1 count

 March 20, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The Supreme Court soon is to consider a challenge to one count that prosecutors have used repeatedly against Jan. 6 defendants, some of whom never even entered the U.S. Capitol the day of that 2021 riot, and some who were not even in Washington.

WND has reported that an appeals court has found that judges blundered in possibly hundreds of those cases by using a special procedure to enhance their sentences.

It was the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that said the lower courts' decisions to claim repeatedly that the defendants, some of whom were charged for entering the Capitol building through open doors, some of whom actually rioted, were interfering with the "administration of justice" were wrong.

Many of those people were there to object to the certification of Joe Biden as president following the 2020 election, which evidence now confirms was suspect.

For example, never before in American elections had a sum of money like the $400 million plus that Mark Zuckerberg handed out to elections officials been an influence. And that money was entirely outside the ordinary campaign funding programs that are monitored.

Further, the FBI interfered by telling media corporations to suppress accurate reporting about Biden family scandals revealed in a laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden. A subsequent polling showed had those details been routinely reported, enough voters would have withdrawn their support for Biden so that he almost assuredly would have lost to President Trump.

Essentially, the sentences included extra penalties for interfering with the "administration of justice" when that was not applicable.

If the Supreme Court agrees, it could affect hundreds of cases.

But now a report at The Gateway Pundit explains that a prosecutor plans to retaliate against defendants if the high court gives them a break.

That prosecutor, Matthew Graves, "threatened to seek more prison time for the J6ers if the Supreme Court reverses the obstruction statute this summer," the report said.

"Graves, the D.C. U.S. attorney who is now arresting and charging thousands of non-violent J6ers who didn’t even enter the Capitol building, is now threatening to seek more prison time for J6 defendants if the Supreme Court reverses the obstruction count," the report documented.

"Indeed, at any resentencing, the court could apply an upward departure for 'significant disruption of a governmental function' …" he said.

"Per investigative reporter Julie Kelly: If the Supreme Court reverses the statute and jailed J6ers ask for release, the DOJ will respond with a request for consecutive sentences and enhancements," the report said.

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