Insiders say Trump might let Letitia James seize Trump Tower!

 March 20, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The politicized case in New York that state Attorney General Letitia James, who campaigned for office on "getting" Donald Trump, brought against him is coming to another climax.

A deadline is fast approaching for Trump to post an appeal bond in the case, which amounts to some $450 million or so.

It's the result of a judgment in a politicized case brought by a political opponent and decided by a judge whose attacks on Trump throughout the trial raised eyebrows. The judge, Arthur Engoron, decided that Trump committed fraud before the trial, and set the damages in the hundreds of millions even though testimony showed no one lost any money, the banks with whom Trump worked wanted more deals with him, and more.

James repeatedly has boasted about the judge's decision against Trump, has boasted about how much interest Trump should have to pay, and how she wants to seize his properties in New York.

A report in the New York Post now is explaining that Trump might let her do that.

And then claim them back if he wins, or has the penalties substantially reduced, on appeal.

Of course, James, if she takes Trump properties, could sell them for the money she is demanding. But there is open speculation about who would purchase properties that had been confiscated in a political fight and remained part of that fight.

"Insiders said he may be weighing a little-discussed option: Doing nothing," the report said. "The ex-president reportedly has been struggling to raise the cash for the bond — either from banks or wealthy friends — with his lawyers claiming on Monday that it was a 'practical impossibility.'"

Some critics have speculated Trump could pursue a Chapter 11 filing, but that also would come with election complications.

So, the report said, insiders are suggesting he might "let the deadline pass, leaving it to New York Attorney General Letitia James to seize Trump’s bank accounts or buildings — including Trump Tower, from which he declared his 2016 presidential run, and which famously includes his penthouse."

The report said Trump "believes the chances are good that he could recover the assets on appeal, even if he is forced to take his case to the U.S. Supreme Court."

The report explained, "Sources friendly with Trump say the ex-president believes he has a strong case. Among other considerations, if the decision is not overturned, 'it will have a chilling effect on people who do business in New York because it could happen to anyone,' according to one insider."

The report also noted one source said Trump believes he could raise funds from wealthy 'friends and supporters,' but so far has not chosen this path."

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