Illegal immigrant from Mexico murders 16-year-old Texas girl

 December 11, 2023

Donald Trump's warnings about the border have been vindicated in the worst way, after the murder of a high school cheerleader by an illegal immigrant from Mexico.

The brutal stabbing of 16-year-old Lizbeth Medina took place in Texas, a border state that has been literally inundated with illegals - many of them single men - under the Biden presidency. 

23-year-old Rafael Govea Romero was taken into custody by police in Edna, Texas on $2 million bond.

Brutal murder

The motive of the crime, and whether there was any relationship between the victim and the killer, are unclear at this time.

"Although Romero is apprehended, we recognize Lizabeth's family and friends are grieving and still need support from the community," Edna Police Chief Boone said. "The citizens of Edna can now sleep in peace."

Romero is said to be of Mexican origin, and authorities said he is living in America on an expired visa. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) placed a detainer on Romero following his arrest at a home in Schulenburg.

It gets worse: Romero was apparently charged with a burglary last year but released on probation.

Police in Edna said he confessed to fatally stabbing Medina, who was found in her bathtub at her family's home. Her bereaved mother made the gruesome discovery.

The poor girl was excited to perform with her cheerleading squad in her town's Christmas parade, but that day would never come.

"You took an angel from me, and not only from me, from a lot of people who loved her," Jacqueline Medina said.

Trump vindicated

As president, Trump pursued tough measures to lower legal and illegal immigration that were widely criticized in the media, and quickly scrapped by his successor and rival Joe Biden.

The presumptive Republican nominee for the presidency in 2024, Trump is slamming Biden over the chaos he has unleashed at the border, where illegal immigration has soared to record levels.

Trump is threatening to oversee the largest mass deportation in history if elected, drawing criticism from liberals who have compared him to a dictator.

Of course, liberals will find whatever excuses they need for illegal immigrant crime, but the fact of the matter is that this girl in Texas would be alive today if the immigration laws were enforced properly.

Any amount of crime committed by illegal immigrants is a preventable harm to society.

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