Hunter Biden's Chinese 'client' is threatening to sue him

 March 4, 2024

One of Hunter Biden's former legal clients is threatening to sue the first son if he does not return the client's $1 million deposit. 

According to the New York Postthe former client is Dr. Patrick Ho.

The outlet reports:

Hunter Biden was paid $1 million by Chinese firm CEFC to act as attorney for its employee, Dr. Patrick Ho, but now Ho is threatening to sue the first son within seven days unless he gets the money back — because he claims Hunter did no legal work for him.

The Post published this report on Sunday, so the clock is ticking.

The details

Ho, according to the Post, made his demand in a letter that was sent by the Hong Kong law firm Huen & Partners to Hunter Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell.

The Post goes on to provide the details of the agreement that included a $1 million retainer fee.

"The $1 million legal retainer was wired from CEFC in China to CEFC’s Hong Kong HSBC account, and then, on November 2, 2017, to the American bank account of Hudson West III (HWIII), the firm Hunter co-owned with CEFC, and then to Hunter’s private firm, Owasco, according to his California tax indictment," the outlet reports.

But, "why, specifically, was Hunter Biden given the money?" you may ask.

Apparently, it was to help Ho with the legal troubles that he ran into in 2017.


Ho, at the time was arrested - and he ended up being convicted two years later - for paying bribes to the presidents of Chad and Uganda. He was given a three-year prison sentence for the crimes.

Hunter Biden, apparently, was supposed to help Ho out, but the first son allegedly never did.

The Post reports, "According to Ho, Hunter, 54, pocketed the $1 million but did no legal work for him, other than call another attorney, Edward Kim, and turn up half an hour late for a meeting with Ho and Kim at the Manhattan Correctional Center the morning after Ho’s arrest. Hunter didn’t visit Ho, 74, even once in jail, Ho has told friends bitterly."

The outlet goes on to reveal that Hunter Biden has, in court, under oath, admitted to receiving the $1 million deposit from the CEFC. But, under questioning from the judge, Hunter Biden struggled with the details of the legal arrangement between him and Ho.

At the time of this writing, it does not appear that either Hunter Biden or his lawyer has responded to Ho's request for a return of the $1 million.

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