Hunter Biden says he'll sue Fox News for calling him a 'crackhead' even though he's an admitted 'crackhead.'

 June 1, 2024

Hunter Biden is once again generating negative headlines at exactly the moment that his politically struggling father doesn't need them.

In a hilarious twist amid his ongoing legal issues, Hunter Biden has announced that he's filing suit against Fox News for calling him a "crackhead."

It's funny because as The Post Millenial pointed out, in a prevoius memoir, Hunter Biden described himself as a "crack addict," a "crack daddy" and a "crackhead."

The president's son accused the network of defamation, claiming Fox News "dehumanized" him and damaged Joe Biden's reputation.

What's going on?

Hunter Biden attempted to explain his reasoning for going after Fox News to The Daily Beast.

"I’m not saying my addiction is an excuse for my bad behavior. What I’m saying is that my addiction is not an excuse for them to dehumanize me—and in doing so dehumanize everybody from the addict that you pass it on the street, to the one that you live with," he said.

"That is the principal motivating factor,” Hunter added, mimicking Fox News personalities who have used the term. "Addict, addict, addict, addict, you know. Crack addict, he’s a crack addict, smoking crack, addict."

Fox News released a statement on the news of the impending legal action on Hunter's behalf, calling its reporting on the president's son and related issues "constitutionally protected coverage."

"Consistent with the First Amendment, Fox News has accurately covered these highly publicized events as well as the subsequent indictment of an FBI informant who was the source of certain claims made about Mr. Biden," the outlet added in a statement.

Social media users react

Given the comical nature of the potential lawsuit, social media users had a field day with the news.

"Sued for telling the truth? Makes sense coming from that family," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "He doesn’t want the veracity of his status as a degenerate debated in a courtroom."

Hunter Biden will soon face his first trial, set to begin this week, regarding several federal gun charges.

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