Hunter Biden helped China try to corner market in nuclear energy

 March 14, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Details obtained by congressional investigators show that Hunter Biden tried to help a Chinese company buy Westinghouse, the American company that is the nation's premier maker of nuclear reactors.

report from Just the News documents the idea came up while Joe Biden was vice president to Barack Obama, and Hunter Biden and his business partners tried to smooth the path for the Chinese company CEFC to buy control of Westinghouse.

The plan, an alleged attempt to "secretly" control the global nuclear power market, was revealed in evidence obtained by members of Congress reviewing Joe Biden's activities for possible impeachment, the report said.

The evidence includes a memo confirming Hunter Biden was "directly involved" in emails and communications regarding the plans in 2016.

It reveals that the idea was to "exploit the future first son's access to power and his family reputation to make Washington and Beijing comfortable" with what obviously would be a controversial plan.

The report said the idea apparently was to hide a Chinese purchase by CEFC Energy of Westinghouse behind intermediary companies.

"In summary, utilizing (sic) the U.S. face of Westinghouse, combined with the economic power of CEFC (China) is the perfect solution to control this global sector," said James Gilliar, who worked with Hunter Biden on projects, to CEFC in a memo.

Westinghouse at the time was based in the U.S. but owned by Toshiba, of Japan, and the report said it was a "darling" of the nuclear industry because of its AP1000 reactor which was described as smaller and more advanced.

At the time it faced financial hurdles because of the costs of a Georgia project.

Just the News said investigators in Congress have obtained memos and testimony about the idea of having Hunter Biden help CEFC expand its influence in the nuclear energy industry by gaining control of Westinghouse.

"One of Hunter Biden's former business partners, Rob Walker, told Congress the future first son was involved, providing a letter to make the Chinese comfortable with the plan. Hunter Biden 'had an interesting last name that would probably get people in the door,' Walker explained to lawmakers," the report said.

It was this same CEFC that was referenced in emails suggesting Joe Biden might get a 10% stake and evidence that Joe Biden met with CEFC officials in 2017 before "nearly $8 million in money flowed from CEFC to companies tied to the Biden family," the report said.

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., commented to the John Solomon Reports podcast, "The Biden family was all about money. There was no sense of honor or no sense of protection in the country. It was to protect the brand, which was the Biden name. Joe Biden. don't know if I've ever seen grifters more than the Biden family."

The report said some evidence about the possible CEFC-Westinghouse link was from a laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop.

It appears Gilliar and his partners, Hunter Biden and Walker, discussed in one email a "CEFC / [Westinghouse]" deal, the report said.

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