Hunter Biden faces decades in prison while the president's reelection hangs in the balance

 June 4, 2024

Hunter Biden could face significant jail time and penalties if convicted of three gun crimes he's accused of, Breitbart reported. The trial started Tuesday for the son of President Joe Biden and is likely sending the White House into a panic. 

Hunter Biden is facing three counts of weapons charges stemming from a 2018 purchase of a Colt Cobra revolver. Two charges deal with  false statements he testifying that he was not an illegal drug user at the time of the application despite clear evidence that he most certainly was.

A third count stems from his possession of the firearm while allegedly using drugs, which compounds the charges for the president's beleaguered 54-year-old son. If convicted, Hunter Biden could face 25 years in prison.

The problem came from Hunter's statements on ATF Form 4473, which specifically asks if the applicant is a drug user. "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" it says before doubling down on a warning for making false statements in this question.

Smoking Gun

Unfortunately for him, Hunter Biden figuratively holds the smoking gun when it comes to these charges. Much of the evidence comes from his admissions in his memoirs as well as from his infamous abandoned laptop, which he left at a Delaware computer repair shop, the Associated Press reported.

The laptop is chock full of incriminating messages and photos, some of which the jurors were treated to in the courtroom on Tuesday. Although Hunter Biden has sued over the alleged breach of data, he is beyond help when it comes to what is contained in it.

The FBI literally provided the receipts to the jury, including emails for payment from a rehabilitation facility he checked into, which ultimately would not successfully get him off drugs. The agency also provided instances of Hunter Biden trying to score drugs.

He even admitted to using drugs in a message with Hallie Biden, who is his brother's widow and Hunter Biden's ex-lover. "I called you 500 times in past 24 hours," she wrote to him.

Just seconds later, Hunter replied to the message that he was "sleeping on a car smoking crack on 4th street and Rodney." Later, he reiterated, "That's my truth."

The President's Guilt

If Hunter Biden is indeed incarcerated, it would be the culmination of everything Joe Biden has worried about behind the scenes, Politico reported. Moreover, the president feels guilty that his political role has led to additional scrutiny for his son.

First Lady Jill Biden, who is Hunter Biden's stepmother, was one of the family members there to show support during proceedings on Monday, which was her birthday. However, other family members are likely to be called to the stand as witnesses for the prosecution.

Joe Biden will have to hear testimony from Hunter Biden's ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, as well as Hallie Biden, wife of the president's late son Beau Biden. They surely will be asked about the sleazy, drug-fueled lifestyle that led Hunter Biden to this point.

This comes at a time when Joe Biden is eyeing his reelection prospects, considering that former President Donald Trump continues to be a formidable contender, Fox News reported. Voters seem energized to vote for Trump after his sham trial ended in a conviction, but Hunter Biden's conviction for real crimes could prove to be the opposite in a devasting blow to his father's reelection prospects.

There's a good chance Hunter Biden could end up behind bars if the wheels of justice move properly in this cut-and-dry case. The White House must be in a panic over this prospect heading into November's election, but the Bidens have nobody to blame but themselves.

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