Huge majority of independents pick this candidate if election held 'today'

 February 15, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A focus group of independent voters expressed concern about the economy and the border, both products right now of Joe Biden's radical policies that have seen inflation explode since he took office, and millions of illegal aliens enter.

They said the issues would impact their decision in the 2024 presidential race.

And while they also expressed concern over their perception that Donald Trump is a "narcissist" and Biden is "unfit," their choice ultimately was nearly unanimous: President Trump.

They said they could vote for Trump if the election were held today, according to a report from Fox News.

The report said the independents expressed "scathing" opinions about Biden.

The report said, "The New York Times spoke with 13 undecided, independent voters at length about the two leading candidates and the issues most important to them heading into the election. The voters, ranging from 22 to 64 years old, were most concerned about the economy, citing the rising costs of groceries and other bills. Of 13 voters, 12 said they would base their vote on this issue, and 11 of them said they were leaning toward Trump in the election."

The report said the voters also were "deeply troubled" by Biden's border catastrophe and some were concerned about the war Hamas terrorists from Gaza launched against Israel.

They agreed on Biden.

Natalie, 22, said, "He’s a little bit senile, and I do think if you can’t do the job, it’s time to step down."

And Richard, 36, added, "I think he’s unfit for the presidency. A president should be the commander in chief. And he does not appear to be a capable commander in chief."

Another, Kim 36, blasted the Democrat as a puppet.

"That’s because I feel like he tap-dances. I don’t know what he’s done. It just seems like he’s just throwing things out there to please almost anyone."

Their negative comments about Trump centered mostly around their perception of his personality, which they said was "egotistical" and "narcissist."

But Fox confirmed, "Despite these reservations, 11 of the 13 voters said they'd vote for Trump over Biden if the election were held today."

Yalena summarized the sentiment, with, "Donald Trump did a better job. Joe Biden, I mean, I feel like I don’t have a president."

Meaghan, 36, said, of Biden, "We’ve been a disaster since he’s been there."

Asked about whether it would make a difference if Trump was "convicted" in one of the multiple politically driven legal cases Democrats have launched against him, they said it wouldn't matter.

The report noted, "A Fox News poll from December found Trump leading Biden among young voters by a 13-point margin. However, the majority of Americans feel both candidates — Trump is 77 and Biden is 81 — are too old to serve another term as president, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll."

It is, however, Biden whose mental capabilities were described as suspect in a new special counsel report. Robert Hur investigated Biden's likely criminal decision to take and keep classified documents from his years as senator and vice president.

The report suggested there was ample evidence for that but recommended no charges against him because a jury likely would perceive him as an elderly man with diminished faculties and likely not convict.

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