How the Democratic Party really got its name

 April 4, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

In Lower Manhattan, near the ports, a mob was shouting, “Down with King Washington” and singing the French national anthem. Others shouted, “Vive Genet.”

It was the summer of 1793 and a “whirling mob of fanatics” was parading up and down the street and cheering the French Revolution. Before long such rallies would turn into violent fistfights with American Patriots who opposed the rise of the radical globalist Left.

Some in the mob dressed like the radical sans-culotte mobs ravaging Paris while others in the streets of Philadelphia had deployed mock guillotines.

At the peak of his popularity, Genet challenged George Washington for the allegiance of the American people and helped create what would become the Democratic Party.

Citizen Edmond Genet, as French revolutionaries were styled, had arrived as the emissary of his regime, not to Washington, but to the American Left. The rotund radical with a balding hairline had already been expelled from Russia and was working on a revolution in America.

American leftists had watched enviously as French radicals imprisoned and killed anyone who stood in the way of their cause, as heads rolled from the bloody maw of “Madame Guillotine” and churches were replaced with “Temples of Reason.” At the Festival of Unity and Indivisibility, one of the holidays of the new Cult of the Supreme Being, a giant papier-mache statue of the Goddess of Nature, modeled on the Egyptian goddess Isis, had been erected.

Now it was their turn, but George Washington stood in the way.

In the National Gazette, associated with the faction that would become the Democrats, cartoons showed Washington being led to the guillotine while another entry, "A Funeral Dirge for George Washington," put the image into words.

John Adams described how leftist riots stirred up by Genet, the envoy of the French revolutionary regime, had sent “ten thousand People in the Streets of Philadelphia, day after day, threatened to drag Washington out of his House, and effect a Revolution in the Government, or compel it to declare War in favor of the French Revolution.”

Jacques Pierre Brissot, who had appointed Genet and was in charge of foreign policy, preached that "France has been called to lead a gigantic revolution and worldwide uprising to liberate the oppressed peoples of the world."

"All Europe will be Gallicized, Communized, and Jacobinized."

Brissot, whom Marx would credit with coining the concept that property is theft for stating that “exclusive property is a theft against nature,” envisioned a grand transformation of humanity.

America would also have to be “Communized” and “Jacobinized” through the Democratic Societies that would pursue the radical and globalist agenda of the French Revolution.

The birth of the Democratic Party

Five years away from death, George Washington rode out to battle as, for the first and last time in American history, a sitting president led the troops in the field.

His real enemy was the Democratic Societies.

“We are ready for a state of revolution and the guillotine of France," the leader of the Mingo Creek Democratic Society had threatened during the “Whiskey Rebellion.”

Washington rode out to fight because he feared America was about to follow France’s example. He described the violence as "the first formidable fruit of the Democratic Societies; brought forth I believe too prematurely for their views, which may contribute to the annihilation of them."

But while the Whiskey Rebellion was put down, the power of the radicals was growing.

The Democratic Societies that so troubled Washington had taken their name from Genet. While the founders of the Philadelphia club had wanted to name it after the Sons of Liberty, as a tribute to the revolutionary past, Genet had proposed calling them Democratic Societies.

The one issue, more than any other, that led to the emergence of the Democrats was the French Revolution.

Theodore Roosevelt later described them as "Democratic societies on the models of the Jacobin Clubs of France" and their influence as “noxious” and “distinctly evil.”

"We are lovers of the French nation," the Democratic Society of New York had declared. "We esteem their cause as our own."

A toast at the Democratic Society of Philadelphia envisioned "the San Culottes of France,” creating a “temple of liberty" that will "have the whole earth for its area, and the arch of heaven for its dome," envisioning the French Revolution spreading across the world to America.

Historian Charles Downer Hazen noted, "The Democratic clubs … also played an important part in introducing French leveling principles in the revolutionary vernacular. It was through them that the word ‘democrat’ was ushered into our politics.”

"These societies were instituted by the artful & designing members (many of their body I have no doubt mean well but know little of the real plan)," Washington had warned, "instituted by their father, Genet,” and behind them, “under popular and fascinating guises, the most diabolical attempts to destroy the best fabric of human government.”

Genet, the French radical, would later marry the daughter of George Clinton – the second Democratic-Republican vice president of the United States. Genet’s Democratic Societies were no longer just a radical movement, they were the ruling party of the country.

The most diabolical attempts to destroy the best fabric of human government became a movement, a party, and then another party that we know today as the Democratic Party.

In 1794, George Washington was describing how the Left still operates today, disguising its intentions, using front groups, and operating through a veil of secret societies.

230 years later nothing has changed.

We are still fighting George Washington’s fight against the Left. It’s a war for truth, faith, and liberty that has gone on for a quarter of a millennium.

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