This story was originally published by the WND News Center.
"The only existential threat humanity faces, even things more frightening than a nuclear war, is global warming," President Joe Biden insisted recently.
In stark contrast, during a recent interview with Sean Hannity, former President Donald Trump stated: "The only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming." Trump added: "I love this country. I don’t want to see this country get into a nuclear war and be so badly damaged. What we say won’t matter. This won’t matter. This place won’t matter, nothing will matter because practically nothing is going to be here anymore. … The only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming because that’s the real deal.":
Last October, when Russia stated it was considering revoking a global nuclear test ban, instead of communicating with Russia, Biden decided to break the treaty and explode a nuclear device underground. The very next month, Russia responded by withdrawing from the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty ratified in 2000. This has caused concerns about a new nuclear arms race with Russia.
Biden’s latest and greatest debacle in escalating warfare is to tell Ukraine it can use U.S. armaments to attack sites inside Russia. Germany followed suit. In response, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, "the United States could face 'fatal consequences' for allowing Ukraine to use American weapons to strike targets on Russian soil." Furthermore, he stated, "I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences. For unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive." Ryabkov added, "I am urging these officials who seemingly are not bothered by anything to take some time away from playing computer games, which is apparently what they are doing, given their light-hearted approach to serious issues, and take a closer look at what Putin said, particularly at a press conference following talks in Tashkent."
So, what did Putin say? "This constant escalation," Putin warned, "can lead to serious consequences. … If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons? It is hard to say: Do they want a global conflict? … Representatives of countries that are NATO members, particularly in Europe, should be aware of what they are playing with."
Russia has already stated that "the use of long-range weapons to strike Russia would rely on Western intelligence data," implying NATO military personnel are involved.
Likewise, the Kremlin has also said it knows Poland has already allowed Ukraine to attack Russia with weapons from that nation.
Biden is widely seen as a bumbling Cold War politician. Indeed, in the words of Robert Gates, who was Secretary of Defense for both presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Joe Biden has "been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."
While some think Putin is fighting to protect his national sovereignty, Biden insists Putin is "a killer with no soul."
If America goes with "killer with no soul," what might Putin do? He may have given his answer, as reflected in a recent Fox News’ headline, which reads, "Putin warns the West that Russia is 'ready' for nuclear war: 'Weapons exist in order to use them.'"
Indeed, in a TASS news agency report published last week, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev stated that Russia can supply weapons to any U.S. enemy, the same way Washington does with Ukraine. "This marks quite a significant change in our foreign policy. This is what the Yankees and their drooling European dogs think: We have the right to send any weapons to Ukraine – the enemy of our country [Russia] – but no country can help Russia. … Now let the U.S. and its allies feel the direct impact of the use of Russian weapons by third parties. … If the U.S. is their enemy, then they are our friends."
To whom would Putin give arms? Iran? Cuba? Would these countries hit America with a nuclear device? What if Iran hit Washington, D.C. with a nuclear device, or New York, or both? Would the U.S. respond by striking Iran? Would the U.S. strike Russia? These are real concerns.
Biden responded by launching two Minuteman III ICBM training launches in one week – June 4 and June 6.
Russia has responded with target drill seaborne missile strikes by their Baltic fleet. And now Russia is sending Russian warships to the Caribbean Sea for drills.
It's becoming increasingly clear that world leaders need to sit down at a table and have some serious discussions. At a May 28 news conference, Putin stated, "It wasn’t us who stopped the talks. We were told, 'that's it, we will no longer have talks with you.' … We have never refused to talk on this basis, and we are ready to continue the negotiating process."
Obviously, Trump's concerns about nuclear war "global warming" far outweighs Biden’s total obsession with an immeasurable 1.5 degree C temperature increase in the earth.
In three and a half years, Biden has taken America backwards to another 1979 Iran hostage scenario, except this time with Hamas holding U.S. citizens and others hostage, and has taken us backwards to another 1962 Cuban missile crisis with Russia doing military exercises in the Caribbean and threatening to give nuclear weapons to U.S. enemies.
Instead of recreating crises, presidents are called to learn from history. As President John F. Kennedy said on June 11, 1963: "We all inhabit this small planet, we all cherish our children's future, and we are all mortal."