House Republicans openly blame Biden for southern border crisis

 February 4, 2024

A group of House Republicans is accusing President Joe Biden of having "issued over 60 immigration and border policies that have clearly signaled to illegal immigrants, traffickers, and cartels that America’s borders are open."

The group of House Republicans, according to Fox News, made the accusation in a letter that they sent to Biden on Friday, Feb. 2, 2024.

U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA) is leading the way, here, and she has been joined by 63 of her Republican colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The letter can be read in its entirety here.

"Responsibility for this crisis lies with you"

The House Republicans begin the letter by clearly placing the blame for the southern border crisis on Biden and his administration.

"The U.S. Southern Border is being overrun by illegal immigrants. The responsibility for this crisis lies with you. Under your direction, your administration has intentionally and systematically undermined U.S. border security by perpetually refusing to enforce countless laws that have worked to secure our Southern Border and prevent illegal immigration," the Republicans wrote.

They go on to note how Biden, through executive action, undid the strong border policies of former President Donald Trump, and it is at this point that they make the accusation mentioned above.

"Your administration has repeatedly ignored Congress’ authority and issued over 60 immigration and border policies that have clearly signaled to illegal immigrants, traffickers, and cartels that America’s borders are open," the Republicans wrote.

The purpose of the letter, however, is not solely to place blame for the southern border crisis on Biden.

The problem, and the solution

The House Republicans go on to call upon Biden to fix the southern border problem by essentially undoing his open border policies - the one's that caused the problem.

"Speaker Mike Johnson [R-LA] wrote to you in December of 2023, urging you to take executive action to secure the Southern Border. House Republicans have passed H.R. 2, legislation that would help stop the flow of illegal immigration and protect our communities. Your actions alone created this catastrophe, and you have the power to fix it," the Republicans wrote.

They added, "You can choose to direct your administration to vigorously enforce the laws on the books today, thereby stemming the tide of illegal immigration and protecting our communities. Or you can choose to perpetuate this national security and humanitarian crisis through your unequivocal failure of leadership for the American people."

The White House just recently started admitting that, contrary to what it had previously said, the U.S.-Mexico border is not secure.

The admission comes as Biden continues to get hammered in the polls for his mishandling of the southern border.

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