House launches probe into Dems' collusion with Trump prosecutor

 December 6, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

An investigation has been launched in Congress into the apparent collusion of Democrats on ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's partisan committee looking at the events of Jan. 6, 2021, with a prosecutor in Atlanta to build a legal case against President Donald Trump.

The investigation, announced by Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., include calls for Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis and Rep. Bennie Thompson, a Democrat who headed Pelosi's partisan committee, to turn over documents.

The Washington Times reported Jordan told Willis, in a letter, "Recently, the committee became aware of cooperation between your office and the partisan January 6 Select Committee. We are in possession of a letter, dated December 17, 2021, and enclosed herein, from you to Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, chairman of the partisan January 6 Select Committee, requesting access to congressional 'records that may be relevant to our criminal investigation.'

"Specifically, you asked Rep. Thompson for access to ‘record [sic] includ[ing] but … not limited to recordings and transcripts of witness interviews and depositions, electronic and print records of communications, and records of travel.'"

Jordan points out that Willis volunteered to travel to Washington, with staff members, to meet investigators and get records.

Jordan questioned, "Although it is not clear what records, if any, you obtained from your coordination with the partisan January 6 Select Committee, this new information raises additional questions relevant to the committee’s oversight of your politically motivated prosecution of a former president of the United States and several former senior federal officials."

Jordan how heads the House Judiciary Committee and Republicans there previously had begun asking questions about the now-defunct January 6 "Select Committee," partisan because only Democrat Pelosi was allowed to name its participants after she rejected GOP nominees.

The inquiry concerns whether the committee members gave documents to Willis. Since then, it's been revealed that the Democrats there apparently failed to preserve recordings of witness statements, a move that appears to violate congressional rules.

The report noted another letter was sent by Republicans to Thompson accusing him of giving Willis congressional records.

"According to public reporting, the Select Committee shared records with Ms. Willis. The Select Committee provided ‘Fulton County prosecutors … key evidence about what former President Trump and his top advisers knew’ with respect to Georgia’s 2020 election results," Loudermilk charged.

"However, there are no records of any additional communication between the Select Committee and Ms. Willis and her office. Therefore, we have no records showing what the Select Committee actually provided her office," he said.

Loudermilk's concern was elevated because, the report said, "Thompson wrote in a previous letter to him that he did not preserve any video recordings of depositions or transcribed interviews."

Because of that, Thompson stands accused of denying "the American public the right to review the footage and make their own conclusions about witnesses’ truthfulness. Clearly, Ms. Willis agrees that video recordings of witness interviews and depositions are important records."

Thompson claims he did nothing wrong.

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