Hit piece on Trump described as an actual 'campaign contribution'

 May 8, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Rolling Stone Magazine started out on a "hit piece" on President Donald Trump and his campaign for re-election to the White House, charging he would use "special operations forces assassination squads" on Mexican drug criminals if he wins the 2024 election.

But a commentary at RedState explained it was more of a "campaign contribution."

The Rolling Stone piece was sourced to "people who've discussed the matter" with Trump, and explains, "In some of these discussions, Trump has insisted that the U.S. military has 'tougher killers than they do' and pondered why these assassination missions haven’t been done before, arguing that eliminating the heads of cartels would go a long way toward hobbling their operations and striking fear into the hearts of 'the kingpins.'"

In fact, the RedState report notes, "think tanks like the Center for Renewing America and American First Policy Institute" have discussed the idea.

It said, "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis advocated this position during one of the GOP presidential primary debates on August 23, 2023."

The article explained about a quarter of a million U.S. citizens die each year from overdoses of drugs pushed into the U.S. by those cartels, and that's "on top of the 30,000+ annual cartel-related murders."


"Rolling Stone has been on a cartel protecting jag reminiscent of the Hamas simps on U.S. college campuses celebrating the slaughter of Israeli civilians for a while," RedState noted.

In fact, Rolling Stone writer Asawin Suebsaeng charged that, "Republican congressmen Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, and Michael Waltz, R-Fla., announced legislation to authorize the use of military force against fentanyl trafficking cartels in Mexico."

It was an idea that collected support from a number of Republicans.

Suebsaeng noted in the Senate, Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and John Kennedy, R-La., had their own plan to "give military the authority to go after these organizations wherever they exist."

RedState cited the massive size of the problem, with cartels controlling about one-third of Mexico by now, en route if nothing changes to making the nation a "narco-state" within a few years.

"The drug cartels directly employ about 170,000 people, making it that nation's fifth largest employer. If you consider people who make a living supplying goods and services to the cartels, they are probably the most significant economic engine in Mexico," it said.

No help will be coming from Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, either, the publication noted.

He's claimed law enforcers cannot fight violence with violence, and that instead "the causes" of drug cartels need to be addressed.

He's also said that it's a problem for America, not Mexico, stating, "We are not going to act as policemen for any foreign government."

The RedState commentary suggested that the problem now is to the point it is a "military" situation, "not a law enforcement problem."

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