Heated battle over pro-Trump bumper stickers reaches climax

 December 18, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A pitched battled over a bumper sticker on a car belonging to a volunteer for the Washington State Park and Recreation Commission is over, and the solution included a change in policy for the state agency.

That's so that no volunteer has to again endure the chilling or muzzling of their own speech – "as a condition of their service."

The news of the solution comes from the American Center for Law and Justice, which worked on behalf of Gary Formals, a former U.S. Navy chief.

Formals, an "Award of Excellence" winner for his service, was ordered to remove his pro-Trump political bumper stickers from his personal vehicle "as a condition of his continued volunteer service and part-time employment with the park system," the legal team explained.

He explained to officials they weren't allowed to order that, as that would violate his constitutional rights.

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