Health club company takes $400 million hit for promoting gender dysphoria

 March 21, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The pursuit and promotion of transgenderism in America have exploded under Joe Biden's presidency, as he's made that issue one of the key components of his term in office, another being abortion.

So there have been male athletes taking athletic competition medals away from girls, there have been cases of males barging into restrooms and locker rooms for women, and assaulting them, and worse. Children even have been taken away from their parents because mom and dad don't, because of their faith, believe the scientifically impossible presumption that a male can become female, or vice versa.

But now one advocate for the ideology, a health club corporation, is learning that it's not always the financially wise agenda to pursue.

A report from Fox Business explains how the Planet Fitness company dropped in value by $400 million after it canceled a customer's membership for complaining about a man in the women's locker room.

"Planet Fitness critics are saying 'go woke, go broke,' calling on the top fitness chain to receive the 'Bud Light' treatment after an uproar over its transgender locker room policy created a social media stir," the report said.

The Bud Light treatment, of course, came out of the previous decision by the beer maker to align itself with transgenderism. The corporation lost hundreds of millions of dollars, the beer's top reputation in the market, and more.

Analysts say Bud Light is unlikely ever to return to the position it once held in the market.

The Fox report pointed out the health club chain dropped in valuation from $5.3 billion to $4.9 billion "just days after revoking an Alaska woman's membership for snapping photos of a transgender woman, who was biologically male, shaving in the women's locker room."

The case involving the woman, Patricia Silva, was documented online by the X account of Libs of TikTok, which had since urged gym supporters to boycott the chain.

Then came an update: "Whoa. Planet Fitness saw $400 Million wiped off its value since we broke the story of them allowing men-in-female lockers rooms and then banning the woman who exposed it. Turns out people don’t want to support companies who cave to gender pseudoscience and allow men in women’s private spaces! #BoycottPlanetFitness Do not let up! Keep it going!" the posting said.

The corporation, in pursuit of its agenda to provide men open access to women's private areas, canceled Silva's membership and said it was because of a policy violation – taking photos in a locker room.

Corporation officials have doubled down on their gender dysphoria agenda, the report said.

"As the home of the Judgement (sic) Free Zone, Planet Fitness is committed to creating an inclusive environment. Our gender identity non-discrimination policy, states that members and guests may use the gym facilities that best align with their sincere, self-reported gender identity. The member who posted on social media violated our mobile device policy that prohibits taking photos of individuals in the locker room, which resulted in their membership being terminated," the company said.

The issue hasn't, however, been put to rest yet, with more and more reacting negatively to the chain's agenda.

Elon Musk said, for example, "Planet Fitness sounds like a creepy place.

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