Harris becomes first VP to tour an abortion clinic

 March 15, 2024

Kamala Harris has just become the first U.S. vice president to tour an abortion clinic. 

Harris, according to the New York Postdid so on Thursday during a trip to the Plant Parenthood located in St. Paul, Minnesota.

The outlet reports that Harris made the trip as part of a tour that she is calling the "Fight for Reproductive Freedoms" tour.

The tour is in furtherance of President Joe Biden's reelection campaign.

Harris's abortion clinic visit

The Post reports that, while at the clinic, Harris "met with staff [and] spoke to reporters. The outlet also reports that Harris "was greeted by clinic Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sarah Traxler and Minnesota Democratic Gov. Tim Walz — who signed a law last year enshrining abortion as a 'fundamental right' for women in the state."

To help put all of this into context, Harris's trip comes after the U.S. Supreme Court, in 2022, overturned the landmark pro-abortion case, Roe v. Wade. The justices, in doing so, returned the abortion issue to the people and their state representatives.

Harris, during her visit, repeated the Democrats' false claim that the Supreme Court "took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the people of America – from the women of America."

"In states around our country, extremists have proposed and passed laws that have denied women access to reproductive health care, and the stories abound. It is only right and fair that people have access to the health care they need and that they have access to health care in an environment where they are treated with dignity and respect," Harris added.

Harris also tried to claim that "one does not have to abandon their faith" to believe that the government “should not be telling women what to do with their bodies.”


Suffice it to say that pro-lifers are not happy about the fact that Harris has decided to become the first vice president to visit an abortion clinic.

Susan B. Anthony, a leading pro-life organization, called Harris's trip "gross."

"There’s a good reason why no vice president or president has publicly visited an abortion provider before," the organization wrote.

It added, 'Today, VP KamalaHarris visits a Planned Parenthood in Minnesota. She's the first sitting VP to visit an abortion facility. Remember that they sell abortions – and they're only ‘pro-choice’ if that choice is abortion."

Other social media users pointed out the fact that the very abortion clinic that Harris visited provides elective abortions about 6 months into the pregnancy - even though a baby has been born and has survived before this point.

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