Haley facing new headwinds … in her own state!

 January 25, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Nikki Haley, on the campaign for the Republican nomination for president, trailed in the Iowa caucuses and lost the New Hampshire primary.

Now she’s encountering a bit of hostility – and it’s in her state.

Areport from Politico explains, “They’ve all turned their backs on her.”

”The former South Carolina governor has won longshot primaries in her state before. But this one is different,” the report said.

It described the terrain she faces in her own state as “forbidding,” largely because allies like Sen. Tim Scott have endorsed Trump.

”It bothers me that she did a lot of things for people, and they’ve all turned their backs on her,” Pat Pope, 67, told Politico.

Haley supporter Rep. Ralph Norman noted that even congressional Republicans are asking her to step aside.

”These pundits are saying get out. Why?” Norman said. “Nikki’s got the courage to continue on. She would have liked to have done better in both New Hampshire and Iowa. But it is what it is, and she’s willing to put the work in. And I’m with her.”

The report noted she’s been an underdog in the state elections before, but now it appears “more difficult.”

”It’s not just the Republican establishment in Columbia out to stop her. Following her defeat in New Hampshire, and just as Haley got the head-to-head contest with Trump that she had long hoped for, some of the most powerful voices of the GOP called for the primary to come to an end, saying conservatives should simply get behind Trump.,” the report said.

Some of the more intense negativism was coming from Trump, according to Just the News.

He “declared that persons who contribute to her campaign moving forward will be unwelcome in the Make America Great Again movement,” the report said.

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