Gun banners facing new obstacle proposed by lawmakers

 January 22, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The leftist faction in America that would like to ban guns has tried just that, unsuccessfully. Members have tried banning ammunition. They've tried registration and licenses. And taxes. And much more.

Their latest is the concept of a database of owners that could be compiled by assembling records of gun purchases, from banks, credit card companies, and more.

But two lawmakers in Tennessee are working to block that agenda.

The Tennessee Star is reporting that state Rep. Todd Warner and state Sen. Joey Hensley are proposing a plan to ban banks, credit card companies, and other financial institutions from tracking gun purchases.

Their plan would label it an "unfair or deceptive" practice for any of those groups to code firearms transactions with a specific label to be identified.

Some payment processors had revealed plans several years ago to record those transactions, shortly after New York Attorney General Letitia James and California Attorney General Rob Bonta demanded that.

However, that agenda was put on pause in 2023 after other states, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida and West Virginia. banned the agenda.

Other states already considering the same plan include Idaho, North Dakota, and Montana, the report said.

The Tenth Amendment Center pointed out that the more states that ban the practice, the higher the probability it eventually will be abandoned altogether.

One official with the Tennessee Firearms Association said gun transactions should be handled with cash, if possible.

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