Greta Thunberg arrested at The Hague

 April 8, 2024

Professional crybully and climate activist Greta Thunberg has been arrested again for blocking highways. 

Thunberg - who shares the same totalitarian agenda as green fascist Joe Biden - was nabbed at The Hague, in the Netherlands, for her role in a protest with the climate cult group Extinction Rebellion.

Greta arrested in the Netherlands

Thunberg, 21, became famous for her impassioned scolding of world leaders as a child climate cultist. As an adult, Thunberg is pursuing activism full time - which means spending a lot of time blocking roads.

Thunberg joined hundreds of people in The Hague Saturday for an attempted highway blockade. The same road has been blocked dozens of times in the past by the group Extinction Rebellion.

“We are in a planetary emergency, and we are not going to stand by and let people lose their lives and livelihood and be forced to become climate refugees when we can do something," she told the crowd.

Police flashed a "v" for victory sign after she was detained in a police van.

Consequences? What are those?

Despite numerous high-profile arrests, Thunberg has never faced serious criminal consequences, leading many to speculate the well-connected activist is doing it all for publicity.

A British court cleared her last year of charges for her role in a different protest in London.

After Saturday's arrest, she responded, "Why should I be?" when asked if she was worried about legal action.

While she and Biden have the same radical agenda, Thunberg has questioned Biden's commitment to the climate cult in the past.

“It’s strange that people think of Joe Biden as a leader for the climate when you see what his administration is doing,” she said in 2021. “The US is actually expanding fossil fuel infrastructure."

"Why is the US doing that? It should not fall on us activists and teenagers who just want to go to school to raise this awareness and to inform people that we are actually facing an emergency.”

Despite Thunberg's criticism, Biden has pursued an unpopular, draconian green agenda that would force gas-powered cars off of the market.

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