Rep. Greene accuses Biden DOJ of seeking literal 'death sentence' against Trump

 February 27, 2024

It seems abundantly clear to many Americans that Democrats, led by President Joe Biden and his administration, will stop at nothing to prevent former President Donald Trump from winning re-election to another four-year term in the White House.

In the view of staunch Trump ally Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), that includes attempting to essentially assassinate Biden's chief political opponent with a literal "death sentence" by imprisoning Trump, 77, for the remainder of his natural life, Newsweek reported.

To drive home her point, Greene drew a comparison between Trump and his supporters who protested at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to the case of Alexei Navalny, the leading political opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin who recently died while imprisoned in Siberia for his oppositional "extremism" after having survived prior alleged assassination attempts.

Biden's DOJ seeking "death sentence" for Trump

In a lengthy X post on Sunday, Rep. Greene lamented the return of Democrats' "Russia, Russia, Russia" narrative to malign and smear former President Trump and supportive Republicans who are critical of President Biden -- particularly concerning the allegations of Biden family influence-peddling as well as opposition to continued financial support for Ukraine's losing battle against the two-year-old Russian invasion.

Midway through her post, the congresswoman wrote, "While Democrats suddenly care about Putin’s political opponent dying in jail, Democrats are actively locking up J6’ers and Biden’s DOJ is trying to put Pres Trump in prison for the rest of his life which would be a death sentence. Talk about election interference!"

"Democrat policies are so bad and the Biden admin has done such a horrible job by enabling a deadly invasion of over 10 million illegals into our country and is destroying the value of our dollar with high inflation and energy killing green new deal crap that the only thing they can run on is blame Trump and scream Russia," she continued.

"So for all of us who just care about America, the American people, our hard earned American tax dollars, get ready to be called a 'Russian blah blah blah' because Democrats know that Trump is going to win and they are setting up to refuse to certify his election, preparing to impeach him again when he becomes POTUS again, and this time try to drag more of us into their dangerous delusions all for political power!" Greene added.

Trump faces potential prison time; Jan. 6 protesters prosecuted

Between two federal and two state-level criminal prosecutions, former President Trump is facing 91 criminal charges that, if convicted on all counts and given maximum consecutive sentences, could land him behind bars for more than 700 years altogether, according to a Forbes report last year.

Of course, Trump is highly unlikely to receive such harsh and lengthy prison sentences, but given his age and health, nearly any ordered prison time beyond a year or two could effectively equate to a "death sentence."

Coincidentally, the former president just narrowly avoided a "corporate death penalty" in the New York civil fraud case pushed by a Democratic attorney general and judge, as his eponymous Trump Organization will be allowed to remain in business, albeit without him or his adult sons at the helm for the next few years, and virtually all of his cash reserves and easily liquidated assets will have been wiped out by staggeringly outrageous fines plus interest and penalties.

As for the "J6'ers" mentioned by Rep. Greene, the Associated Press reported in January that President Biden's Justice Department has bragged about pursuing criminal charges against more than 1,200 individuals who were present at the Jan. 6 Capitol riot in 2021, some deservedly so for engaging in violence against law enforcement, but also many who did nothing more than briefly wander around inside the building or voice their opposition in protest against Biden's purported 2020 electoral victory.

Thus far, more than 800 have been found guilty or forced to accept guilty pleas, with more than 700 already being sentenced to prison -- some just a few days, some for several years, most for many months -- and the DOJ is still looking to find, arrest, and prosecute anybody who was at the U.S. Capitol to protest Biden's certification as the president.

Navalny died of a "blood clot" after being imprisoned for his political "extremism"

As for the now-deceased Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who previously survived being poisoned and other alleged assassination attempts, ABC News reported that he died on Feb. 16 in a Siberian penal colony of "natural causes," and his body has since been turned over to his grieving mother, albeit after some reported wrangling with Russian officials.

According to Ukrainian officials, Navalny, who was imprisoned in 2021 and sentenced last year to 19 years of hard labor due to his political "extremism" in opposition to President Putin's rule, he is said to have died as a result of a "blood clot."

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