Grand jury: Government response to COVID really about one thing

 February 6, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A grand jury in Florida that reviewed the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic, which killed millions around the globe after it emerged from a Chinese lab experimenting on bat viruses, found it was all about "control."

"This first report from the grand jury only confirms what we knew from the beginning of the COVID crisis," explained Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver, whose organization has battled the unconstitutional actions taken by the government against private and religious individuals and organizations because of COVID.

"It is no surprise that the government’s response inflicted [devastating] collateral damage on Floridians and the nation. Common sense tells us that extended use of masks, lockdowns, social distancing, and school closures harm people and result in severe social distress.

"The government’s response to the crisis had nothing to do with science, rather it was about control. We must never allow this again."

Staver's comments were in response to the release of an initial report from Florida's 22nd statewide grand jury.

Its itnerim report found that "masks, social distancing, and lockdowns were ineffective and 'did not significantly change the overall risk' from the SARS-CoV-2 virus."

The report stems from a request in 2022 by Gov. Ron DeSantis for the Florida Supreme Court to call a grand jury to "investigate pharmaceutical manufacturers and other medical associations or organizations for crimes and wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 shot."

Members called to convene were "apolitical" and were not public officials, having "no specific agenda" regarding COVID and those shots, Liberty Counsel reported.

Grand jurors were picked at random, with a requirement being their impartiality and their ability to commit large amounts of time, over months, to the task at hand.

"Our main uniting feature is that each of us believes the citizens of the state of Florida deserve unbiased answers to the important questions raised by the petition…Moreover, we concur that if violations of Florida criminal law occurred with respect to COVID-19 vaccines, they must be addressed by the appropriate authorities," the report said.

On the issue of masks, the jurors charged, "We have never had sound evidence of their effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 transmission."

Jurors confirmed masks do help prevent the spread of aerosols, but noted it would require the correct kind of mask, and then found, 'it would still be virtually impossible for us to conduct our affairs with the rigidity necessary to receive the full measure of benefits the mask would provide ... ”

Further, the jurors said that very small particles of 400 nanometers or smaller can hang in the air for hours, meaning masks have limited application.

"People should have been told that masks, like any protective device, have limitations," said the report. "Public health agencies failed to adequately explain this important distinction to the American public in favor of a broad mask recommendation that did not make nearly enough distinction between the types of masks available and put at risk those it sought to help. Well-financed federal agencies chose to fill the discourse with flawed observational and laboratory studies."

Jurors found on the dispute over social distancing, "In enclosed interior spaces for extended periods of time, a distance of six feet or sixty feet is not going to make any difference."

They found, according to Liberty Counsel, that "public policy should have focused on the data showing how certain filtration systems work effectively indoors to prevent aerosol clouds containing enough of an infectious viral load from accumulating, all while also taking advantage of outdoor spaces which help accomplish the same thing."

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