Governor got big bucks from pro-trans hospitals before vetoing anti-trans bill

 January 2, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The Ohio governor who at the 11th hour vetoed a legislatively adopted plan to protect minors from the transgender ideologies being promoted in his state, and across the nation by Joe Biden, actually got $40,000 from hospitals supporting that woke agenda, according to a new report.

The Federalist Papers explains it was Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio, a Republican, who vetoed House Bill 68 at the last minute possible.

Lawmakers who adopted the plan intended to prohibit prescriptions of chemicals to children that block puberty, and cross-sex hormones for minors. And they wanted to ban boys from competing in girls' sports.

Lawmakers in his state already have begun considering whether to override his veto.

But the report said a review of donations to the governor from 2018 to 2023 "reveals that the governor received a total of $40,300 from the Ohio Children's Hospital Association (OCHA), Cincinnati Children's, Nationwide Children's Hospital, and ProMedica Children's Hospital.

"Some of these hospitals, such as Cincinnati Children’s and Nationwide Children’s, offer gender-affirming care, including puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, without specifying an age limit for patients," the report confirmed. "Nick Lashutka, president of the OHCA, testified against House Bill 68, arguing that the bill 'strips away' the rights of parents and their transgender children. In a statement, Lashutka said, 'These youth existed before we established our gender clinics, and they will exist if our clinics are forced to close.'"

DeWine in his statement said he would defer to doctors and parents in such cases.

The report explained, "The OCHA donated $10,000 to the Mike DeWine and Jon Husted Transition Fund on Dec. 28, 2018, and another $10,000 on Dec. 7, 2022. … Affiliates of OCHA, such as Cincinnati Children’s and ProMedica, also made significant contributions. Cincinnati Children’s donated $300 on Dec. 15, 2022, and ProMedica, another affiliate of OCHA, donated $10,000 in December 2018. Nationwide Children’s, a third affiliate with OCHA, donated $5,000 in December 2018 and another $5,000 in January 2023 to the transition fund."

ProMedica also turned over $10,000 to DeWine.

Explained the report, "In light of these facts, it is difficult to ignore the real possibility that Governor DeWine’s decision to veto House Bill 68 was influenced by these donations. The implications of this decision on Ohio’s youth and the integrity of the Governor’s office are significant and cannot be ignored."

report at ZeroHedge turned sarcastic when reporting on the donations, and the governor's decision.

"What a shock... Ohio's 'Republican' governor, Mike DeWine, took over $40,000 from hospitals which prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children, before vetoing a bill that would outlaw puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children."

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