Government issues stunning (but accurate) verdict on transgenders

 May 15, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

In a move that was described as needed to make sure they could get access to mental health services,  the government in Peru has designated transgenders and intersex individuals as "mentally ill."

report in the Telegraph documented the official categorization, from the Peruvian government, means those individuals now are assured "full coverage of medical attention for mental health" from the nation's health services.

But, the report said, promoters of the LGBT lifestyle choices have erupted with "a fierce backlash."

The alternative behaviors have not been popular in the nation, and recently lawmakers banned references to gender equality in school books, the report said.

The report said Health Minister César Vásquez hasn't taken a position on the dispute yet, as he is tied up with a controversy involving President Dina Boluarte and her alleged acquisition of expensive jewelry.

And just days ago, her brother, Nicanor Boluarte, was placed under arrest for selling off government jobs.

The designation, according to Lima Scientific University of the South researcher Percy Mayta-Tristán, may have been based on good intentions. But he said it didn't include an awareness of the issues at hand.

"You can’t ignore the context that this is happening in a super-conservative society, where the LGBT community has no rights and where labelling them as mentally ill opens the door to conversion therapy," he said.

A report at the New York Post explained the designation is supposed to change the Essentials Health Insurance Plan to reflect transgenders and others "have a mental disorder."

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