Gene-edited mosquitos get released, now dengue fever rockets by 400%

 February 27, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Dengue fever, carried by mosquitoes, is swamping the populations of Brazil Peru, Argentina, and Laos and causing major concerns in other parts of the world.

It has spiked fourfold in Brazil just this year following the release of millions of gene-edited mosquitos by the World Mosquito Program run by the United Nations.

Vaccines are being produced and distributed on a timetable pushed by the urgency of the events, and multiple deaths already are being reported.

The Guardian reported there have been nearly a million cases in Brazil, and almost the same number in Peru.

Government officials say there already have been dozens of deaths.

"Brazil has bought 5.2m doses of the dengue vaccine Qdenga, developed by Japanese drugmaker Takeda, with another 1.32m doses provided at no cost to the government," the report said, explaining three Brazilian states are in a state of emergency.

The ailment is spread by mosquitoes, which were described in an International Business Times report as the "most dangerous animal in the world."

It was the United Nations that previously cited a World Health Organization warning that more than half of the world was at risk from mosquito-transmitted dengue fever.

The U.N.'s response was to work with technology to create millions of "sterilized pests" and then release them, a campaign which reached Brazil only months ago.

"Countries have already started like Italy, Greece, and Mauritius, and others are on the point of doing it, for example, the United States, France, and Brazil," said Jeremy Bouyer, medical entomologist at the Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, a joint International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) / Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) initiative.

"We already have evidence that SIT can reduce the density of mosquitoes very significantly and now we must prove that it will also impact the transmission of the disease."

The WHO effort was intended to reduce the mosquito population globally, and thus cut back on the number of cases of malaria, Zika, Chikungunya, and yellow fever, too.

Brazilian military members have in recent days been hunting through junkyards and home roofs to find stagnant water puddles, in which mosquitoes breed.

Officials were blaming "global warming" as well as El Nino rain patterns that have brought extra moisture to Brazil this year.

"Dengue fever symptoms include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and an itchy skin rash. In some cases, the disease can cause a more severe hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding that can lead to death," the Guardian reported.

Jamie White reported on Infowars that the U.N.'s mosquito program was funded partially by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

That report pointed out that dengue fever reports are up by four times this year "following the release of millions of gene-edited mosquitoes by the United Nations' World Mosquito Program," which got $50 million in funding from the foundation.

Harvard Public Health reported late last year, "Brazilian health officials in five cities have been releasing clouds of lab-grown Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria, which prevents dengue virus transmission to humans."

"The country will be the first to launch a nationwide program to release Wolbachia-modified mosquitoes, which are expected to protect up to 70 million people from dengue fever over the next 10 years. And it’s building a factory to scale up mosquito production: Beginning 2024, the factory will mass-produce five billion mosquitoes a year," the report said.

At AgenciaBrasil, a report said the current dengue incidence rate was 453 per 100,000 residents.

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