Gay social worker who lied about woman's sex abuse of son learns fate

 May 28, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A former social worker who was convicted of falsely reporting Aurora, Colorado, City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky for sexual child abuse has been sentenced to four years in prison.

A report in the Denver-based Westword confirmed that Robin Niceta, who made a telephone call accusing Jurinsky of abuse, causing her to fear she would lose custody of her son, was sentenced.

Niceta's lawyer wanted leniency, claiming Niceta is "a broken person," was victimized by "an abusive father," faced personal challenges "coming out as gay," lost a sister to illness and was assaulted in her sleep.

She then began drinking and suffered from "post-traumatic stress, anxiety, schizophrenia and 'cognitive dysfunction,'" her lawyer claimed.

Her defense team explained that put her in a "moral fog" so she couldn't understand right from wrong.

Jurinsky wasn't sympathetic, saying, "We all have our struggles, and we all come from somewhere. You do not go around trying to take someone's child, no matter what has happened with you," the report explained.

Niceta apologized to Jurinsky, Jurinsky's family and the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services for her actions.

The sentencing marks the closing chapter in a years-log saga that began in 2022 when Niceta was working as a social worker in Arapahoe County. She was in the child protective unit.

She falsely claimed in a telephone call to her own department Jurinsky was molesting her own son.

Her call, which was traced, followed Jurinsky's interview on a talk radio show in which she called then-Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson, who was Niceta's girlfriend at the time, "trash."

Police, acting on Niceta's "tip," went to Jurinsky's home to investigate her.

After the sentencing, Jurinsky said the resolution was a relief.

During the course of the case, Niceta allegedly lied about having cancer, and even falsified records, the report said.

She had been indicted on charges of forgery, tampering with evidence and criminal impersonation.

A jury found her guilty of making false claims against Jurinsky.

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