During fundraiser in NYC, Obama snapped at leftist protesters that Biden hopes to appease to secure voter support in November

 March 31, 2024

President Joe Biden has been walking a figurative tightrope over the past several months as he attempts to appeal to the majority of normal Americans without further alienating the angry leftist base of the Democratic Party opposed to U.S. support for Israel that could prove crucial to his re-election hopes.

That careful balance may have just been upset by Biden's former boss, President Barack Obama, after he snapped back at leftist protesters who repeatedly disrupted their special $25 million campaign fundraiser event in New York City on Thursday, Breitbart reported.

Obama, who essentially told the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian leftist protesters to shut up and start listening, may have caused critical damage to Biden's re-election chances versus former President Donald Trump with that retort that risks further enraging an already furious leftist base that is threatening to not turn out in Biden's support in November.

Biden's fundraiser with Obama and Clinton disrupted repeatedly by protesters

According to the New York Post's coverage of the "glitzy" and "grandiose" Democratic fundraiser on Thursday -- which featured President Biden plus former Presidents Obama and Bill Clinton that raised more than $25 million for Biden's campaign -- the "lavish" event at Radio City Music Hall was disrupted at least six times by anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters.

One protester repeatedly blew a whistle and held a "War Pigs" protest sign while other protesters later shouted "Shame on you" at Biden and his Democratic predecessors and accused them of having "blood on their hands" and of supporting an Israeli "genocide" against Palestinians in Gaza.

Outside the event was even more of the same, as numerous anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters were gathered outside the venue and waved Palestinian flags and explicit protest signs as they chanted things like "F--k Joe Biden" and "Genocide Joe has got to go," among other choice phrases that called for a "Free Palestine" and an immediate ceasefire to end the fighting in Gaza.

Obama snapped back at a protester

According to the Post, as the multiple leftist protesters who disrupted the fundraiser were led out of the event by security, Biden reportedly attempted to continue his appeasement tactic by urging them to be "let go" by security. Obama, however, apparently had a different idea in mind.

Per multiple sources, including Reuters White House correspondent Jeff Mason, Obama at one point snapped at and scolded a disruptive protester as he said, "No, listen. You can’t talk all the time. Sometimes you have to listen."

To be sure, what Obama said to the protesters is absolutely correct and is something that all leaders should also say.

Yet, given Biden's current predicament, that response will likely only further embolden Biden's left flank to possibly make good on their threats to withhold the crucial voter support that he likely needs to win a second term in office.

Biden's left flank electoral problem

This critical risk to President Biden's re-election was outlined in a Politico article in early February which asserted that the attention of the Biden campaign was misplaced in focusing on a possible threat posed by the centrist No Labels group when their focus should instead be on the other third-party candidates that might prove enticing to left-leaning voters.

That includes independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Jill Stein, and far-left independent candidate Cornel West -- each of whom threatens to peel off potentially thousands of left-leaning voters who would never consider voting for former President Trump but, in the absence of other options, might overlook their disillusionment with Biden and vote for his re-election.

As Politico observed: "Are the well-organized hecklers bird-dogging Biden at nearly every speech going to turn to a candidate who once proposed a Muslim ban? Of course not. Yet this White House race, like the last two, is bound to be won on the margins, and Biden is at risk of losing critical younger and left-wing voters to third-party candidates or apathy."

That risk may have just been elevated by Obama's snapping at a protester that Biden has tried to appease to secure their necessary vote, much to Biden's great dismay and humiliation, particularly if he ultimately loses in November to Trump by a close margin.

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