'Frankenstein case': Trump appeals his 'unconstitutional gag order'

 May 9, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

President Donald Trump is taking Judge Juan Merchan to an appeals court.

Merchan, hearing New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg's claims that business reporting misdemeanors now are felonies against Trump, has imposed a draconian gag order against Trump in the case.

Trump is known for commenting about charges, cases, and individuals, including noting the fact that Merchan's daughter is a Democrat activist who has been fundraising off of the decisions her father delivers against Trump in the case.

report from Fox News explains Trump's defense team filed a motion to appeal the "unconstitutional" censorship demand from Merchan.

"I just want to let you know that we've just filed a major motion in the appellate division concerning the unconstitutional gag order, where I'm essentially not allowed to talk to you about anything meaningful that's going on in the case. And many good things are going on with the case. It shouldn't have been filed," Trump explained.

Merchan's censorship demands require Trump to remain silent on a multitude of issues even though there is no similar restriction on others involved in the case leaving them free to be making allegations about Trump.

Merchan already has said Trump has violated his censorship demands multiple times and fined him thousands of dollars. He's even threatened Trump with jail.

Trump noted legal scholars as experts as Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have been critical of Merchan's demands for censorship.

"'This is a Frankenstein case. They took a dead misdemeanor, attached it to a dead, alleged federal felony, and zapped it back into life. So many of us are just amazed to watch this walk into court because it's not a recognizable crime that any of us have seen," Trump charged, citing Turley's comments.

And to Dershowitz, Trump said, was the opinion, "I've been doing this for 60 years, and I don't understand what crime he's been charged with. Nobody understands this. I just don't get the crime. There's no evidence of any crime whatsoever. This is a sham."

The report explained, "The case revolves around the alleged falsification of business records. Prosecutors say Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, paid Daniels $130,000 to quiet her claims of the alleged extramarital sexual encounter. Prosecutors allege the Trump Organization reimbursed Cohen and fraudulently logged the payments as legal expenses, and they are working to prove that Trump falsified records with the intent to commit or conceal a second crime, which is a felony."

Trump's employees have explained the funds were paid to a lawyer, so were listed in the accounting software as payments to a lawyer.

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