Former WH doctor says it's time to use 25th Amendment to get Biden out

By Jen Krausz on
 February 13, 2024

Former White House doctor, now GOP Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson said Monday on Fox Business's "Mornings With Maria" that he thinks it's time to use the 25th Amendment to force President Joe Biden to step down as president, leaving Vice President Kamala Harris to assume the role. 

“Now, I saw your tweet you said it is time to brush off the 25th Amendment and use it here because President Biden is declining mentally,” host Maria Bartiromo said. “Talk to us about that. What would you like to see happen?”

“Well, I think that is a real possibility here right now, Maria, because look, I mean — I have talked on your show before,” Jackson replied. “I’ve been saying for well over three years before he was president when he was candidate Joe Biden that this man has got issues. He’s not cognitively fit to be our president, you know."

Jackson pointed to a marked decline since Biden became president and the recent special counsel report that codified his "poor memory."

"It's amazing"

"If you go back and look at the time when he was vice president compared to now, it’s amazing at how much he’s deteriorated," he said. "So I think that you know, we all see this now. The American people have started to see it more and more over the last three years. Now, the Hur report came out and documents some of the same stuff that I’ve been saying that the American people are seeing now.”

Even his attempt to refute the report ended up showing his struggles, Jackson pointed out, adding that U.S. "adversaries" could take advantage of his diminishment.

“He gets on TV, he tries to refute it. He just reinforces that he’s got some serious cognitive issues that’s inspiring confidence in our — you know, our adversaries," Jackson said. "Our allies don’t want to do stuff with us because they don’t trust us and they don’t know who is in charge. And so I think that this is the perfect scenario in which case the vice president and a majority of the president’s cabinet will get together and notify the speaker pro tempore and the Speaker of the House — the Senate pro tempore and the Speaker of the House that the president is not fit to continue with his duties as president of the United States, in which case, unfortunately, I would be saddened about it but the vice president would immediately become president.”

Unfortunately, the prospect of Harris becoming president is likely the reason why Biden is still president despite his obviously diminished mental capacity.

Her poll numbers have been even lower than his, and every time Biden has tasked her with doing something, it has been a fiasco. She has almost as many embarrassing gaffes as Biden does, and not because of dementia.

Still, she told the Wall Street Journal on Monday in response to a question about Biden's age and whether he could serve another term, "I am ready to serve."

The consequences of woke-ism

In addition, if Harris becomes president, there is no way Democrats could replace Biden with a candidate of their choice because it would mean snubbing the first Black woman president, and what Democrat is going to do that?

Biden chose Harris as Vice President because she's a Black woman, but her abilities have not proven the merit of that choice.

It's a sad Catch-22 that will probably keep Biden in the presidency until the Democrat National Convention, and after that if Biden is chosen as the nominee.

As bad as Biden is, Harris would be worse and would limit Democrat leadership's options for 2024, so they are desperate to keep Biden hanging on as long as they can.

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