Former Clinton aide confesses special counsel report on Biden 'terrible' for Democrats

 February 11, 2024

Former Bill Clinton strategist and current CNN political commentator, Paul Begala, acknowledged on Friday the significant blow that Special Counsel Robert Hur's findings regarding President Biden's memory dealt to the Democratic Party.

Begala humorously remarked on CNN that he had a restless night's sleep, humorously stating he "slept like a baby" - waking up every two hours crying and metaphorically "wetting the bed" due to his concern over Hur's report on Biden's handling of classified documents.

The report

The report, which revealed that Biden had retained classified U.S. documents as a private citizen, did not recommend charges against him, citing his potential defense as a "sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

This revelation caused alarm among Democratic Party members and led Biden to address the issue in a press conference, where he refuted claims about his competency.

Expressing dismay over the report and Biden's response, Begala emphasized the adverse impact it had on the Democrats, asserting that "anybody with a functioning brain knows that."

A new strategy needed

Begala offered an alternative strategy for Biden, suggesting a more offensive approach. Rather than focusing on defending his competency, he advised Biden to target his opponents.

Criticizing Biden's press conference response, Begala remarked that it likely worsened the situation, echoing sentiments shared by many in the media.

Drawing on Biden's political history, Begala recommended emphasizing the contrast between Biden and former President Trump, who faces criminal charges related to his handling of classified material.

He emphasized the importance of Biden focusing on attacking Trump rather than being overly concerned about his own gaffes or age-related criticisms.

What's next?

Begala's assessment underscored the challenges facing Biden and the Democratic Party in navigating the fallout from Hur's report.

The report's implications for Biden's political standing and the Democrats' electoral prospects were evident, prompting calls for a strategic recalibration in their approach to addressing the issue.

“So, the question then for the prosecutor is then, ‘Why aren’t you bringing charges?’ And he gave two reasons, essentially. One was President Biden’s … lack of memory, his condition, and secondly, was that President Biden cooperated,” former GOP presidential candidate Christie said following the release of the Hur report.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, the impact of Hur's findings on Biden's presidency and the Democratic Party's fortunes remains a subject of intense scrutiny and debate.

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