Former adult film star Stormy Daniels could flee the U.S. after Trump hush money trial, her porn actor husband predicts

 May 15, 2024

Former porn star Stormy Daniels may flee the U.S. if former President Donald Trump is acquitted in his New York hush money trial, Breitbart reported. This prediction was made by Daniels' husband and fellow porn star, Barrett Blade.

Trump is accused of falsifying business records after paying off Daniels to keep quiet about an alleged affair between the two. The former president has denied any relationship with Daniels and pleaded not guilty.

Still, his trial continues while many wonder if it will amount to anything after all. Blade said on CNN's Out Front Tuesday that he believes if Trump is not convicted of a crime, he and Daniels would have to flee the country.

Porn Stars in Exile

Blade believes the couple could have no choice but to leave if Trump is not convicted. "If Trump is found not guilty, I think there’s a — I mean, either way, I don’t think he gets better for her," he told host Erin Burnett.

"I think if it’s not guilty, we got to decide what to do. Good chance we’ll probably vacate this country," Blade added.

"If he is found guilty, she’s still got to deal with all the hate that feels like she’s the reason that he’s guilty from all of his followers. So I don’t see it as a when situation either way," Blade predicted.

"I know that we would like to get on with our lives. I know that she wants to move past this. We want, we just want to do what I guess we would say normal people get to do and some aspects, but I don’t know if that ever will be, you know," the adult film star said.

"It breaks my heart," Blade added. Of course, this heart-breaking situation had yielded Daniels $130,000 after she allegedly accepted a payout to keep quiet about something that is now public.

They Believe They're Victims

Blade believes his wife is the real victim. "Some of the things that she has to go through that people don’t realize, you know, we, we I guess, for example, you know, everybody has their agenda for at this point, and I don’t see people fighting back for her," Blade said.

"For instance, E. Jean Carroll, although we’re super happy that everything that happened for happened Stormy opened the door, but Stormy got sued for the exact same two comments, and she ended up getting legal fees she’s got to pay for, but no one wants to help her with that," Blade said.

Blade was referring to Trump accuser E. Jean Carroll, who received $92 million in damages from Trump, the Associated Press reported. She had successfully sued Trump for comments he had made about her in his own defense after her vague and very old accusations of sexual assault against him.

Although there's no telling how Trump's most recent case will turn out, Blade may be correct that they will be scorned no matter what. It's not Daniels' fault that this trial is being used as a tool against Trump, but that won't make her any less culpable in the eyes of the public.

Still, it's difficult to believe that two people who made a living as he and his wife have care at all about public perception. If they do indeed leave after the trial, America won't be left with any shortage of such entrepreneurs and certainly won't be worse off without them.

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