Focus groups destroy VP Kamala Harris in brutal assessment: Report

 April 20, 2024

Most reasonable-minded people know that Vice President Kamala Harris is not a popular president, especially based on her lack of accomplishments and overall leadership. 

According to Fox News, a recent focus group of three different types of voter group were asked about VP Harris and what they think about her leadership.

The results, according to the Los Angeles Times, were devastating, to say the least.

Fox News reported that three different voter groups were questioned, including groups consisting of "one of former Trump 2016 voters who voted for Biden in 2020, one of Black voters who are disappointed with Biden, and another of 'California Democrats.'"

What did they say?

The voter groups overall offered a dismal assessment of Harris, confirming exactly why the Democratic Party is scared to death to use her as a replacement for Biden should he not be able to run in November for whatever reason.

"Their assessments were brutal. If she is helping Biden, you don’t see it. She rubs me the wrong way. She was picked because she is a demographic. The big things she had, she failed," the L.A. Times wrote.

The groups were assembled just days after Harris spoke in Arizona. The focus group was organized by an organization called "Republican Voters Against Trump."

"Swing voters don't like her," was the view of one of the groups, according to Gunner Ramer, the political director of Republican Voters Against Trump.

"In a focus group of Black voters who were disappointed with Biden, none raised their hand in support of Harris, with one participant calling her ‘the bad news bear,’" the report added.

Even the "California Democrats" focus group was hesitant to say her name. "A focus group of California Democrats, while they liked Harris, had to be prompted to discuss her and said she needed more influence and exposure" the report noted.

Deeply unpopular

While Democrats will lie through their teeth and praise Harris for her so-called "accomplishments," even though she has none to speak of, the focus groups, which covered a massive slice of the political spectrum, proved that her polling numbers are accurate.

She polls worse than Biden in most cases, and is largely unpopular across the board.

Fox News noted:

USA Today and Suffolk University polling from last month recorded that around 52% of registered voters disapprove of her performance as vice president. Additionally, only 36% of those surveyed say she is handling the job well, with 10% undecided.

The DNC will have to find something else for Harris to do if she considers making a run for the presidency down the road, as she'll likely still poll worse than Biden and not stand even a small chance against a strong Republican opponent.

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