Fired CNN anchor Don Lemon launches brand-new show on X

 January 9, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Don Lemon, the fired CNN anchor who once probed the possibility that a missing airline jet was sucked into a black hole, has found a new place for a brand-new show, and X marks the spot.

Both Lemon and X, formerly Twitter, made the announcement Tuesday.

"I've heard you," tweeted Lemon, an outspoken homosexual, "and today I am back bigger, bolder, freer!"

"My new media company's first project is The Don Lemon Show. It will be available to everyone, easily, whenever and wherever you want it, streaming on the platforms where the conversations are happening. And you'll find it first on X, the biggest space for free speech in the world.

"I know now more than ever we need a place for honest debate and discussion without the hall monitors. This is just the beginning so stay tuned."

Or its part, X noted: "We're delighted to announce a new content partnership with @DonLemon for his new project, The Don Lemon Show. The award-winning TV journalist will share his unique and honest voice in 30-minute episodes, three times a week, covering politics, culture, sports, and entertainment. The show will run exclusively first on X. Welcome Don!"

One commenter reacted to Lemon's announcement, saying: "All the liberals suddenly love Twitter and 'free speech' after their mainstream job gets canceled. LOL."

Ironically the same day Lemon got the boot from CNN, Fox News pulled its popular prime-time anchor Tucker Carlson off the air, and Carlson has since been broadcasting his new show on X.

"Congratulations," Carlson wrote Lemon regarding Don's new program. "It's a new world."

And billionaire Elon Musk who purchased Twitter simply told Lemon, "Welcome to X."

In Lemon's final days at CNN last year, the anchor sparked controversy by focusing on Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley's age, as well as butting heads with his on-air colleagues on the network's morning show.

In a post-CNN exit interview with local news affiliate ABC24, Lemon discussed his removal from the network.

"I don't believe in platforming liars and bigots and insurrectionists and election deniers and putting them on the same footing as people who are telling the truth, people who are fighting for what's right, people who are abiding by the constitution," he said. "That would be a dereliction of journalistic duty."

Also on Tuesday, X announced a new partnership with former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.

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