Feds who walk off the job for political activity 'deserve to be fired'

 January 15, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

At least, that appears to be the opinion of U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., who has called for the firing of federal employees who abandon their responsibilities for those politics.

"Any government worker who walks off the job to protest U.S. support for our ally Israel is ignoring their responsibility and abusing the trust of taxpayers," he said on social media. "They deserve to be fired."

The comments came in light of word that federal workers are scheming to stage a walkout on Tuesday "over policy decisions in the war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas," according to a report from the Post Millennial.

Johnson continued, "Oversight Chairman Comer and I will be working together to ensure that each federal agency initiates appropriate disciplinary proceedings against any person who walks out on their job."

The report explained a group called "Feds United for Peace" was staging the job abandonment.

"Employees from at least 22 federal organizations are likely to demonstrate in the walkout," the report said.

An online posting promoting the event told staffers to "stay home from work on Tuesday.

It continued, "We ask that you give proper notification of your absence on January 16. We recommend that you notify your supervisor. You may explain it as a need to take a personal day if you prefer not to divulge your participation in the Day of Mourning."

The report said organizers claimed the walkout was because of a "desire" to influence the Biden administration on the issue.

"This is not a strike. This is a day of mourning. The purpose is to provide space for ourselves to mourn and heal. We serve the American people every day and do so with conviction and pride," the organizer said.

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