Feds reporting 'inconsistencies' in Fani Willis' use of federal grant cash

 April 10, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Fani Willis, the Georgia prosecutor who is trying to make an organized crime case against President Donald Trump for his comments after the suspect results of the 2020 election, has been accused of racism.

She's also been accused of illegally recording a telephone call.

And of course, she went through what essentially was a trial on her ethics – and her decision to hire her lover and pay him nearly $700,000 in tax money – a case in which a judge found there was the appearance of a conflict for her – and worse yet, an "odor of mendacity" about her.

Now she's facing accusations of mishandling federal grant money.

It is in a report in the Free Beacon that Joe Biden's Justice Department confirms there are "inconsistencies" in her reported use of federal grant money.

The report describes the verdict on Willis as a "bombshell" and explains it comes two years after Willis fired a whistleblower who had warned that her office was trying to misuse a $488,000 federal grant to buy "swag," computers, and pay for travel.

The report confirmed the DOJ's Office of Justice Programs says it's "that same grant" that now is "plagued with reporting discrepancies."

The report noted a DOJ official told the Free Beacon, "During our review of the award to respond to this inquiry, we have noticed some inconsistencies in what Fulton County has reported…"

No details were allowed to be released.

The report said the grant was intended for the creation of a Center for Youth Employment and Gang Prevent, which never opened.

The House Judiciary Committee already is investigating and has subpoenaed Willis for records relating to federal dollars. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, has suggested holding Willis in contempt of Congress after she responded to Congress' request for information with a "narrow set of documents" that didn't address the grant issue.

Apparently, among the issues, the report said, is subgrants to an Offender Alumni Association, which Willis' says got $88,900. That organization, however, says it has no idea why Willis is reporting those payments.

"The 'inconsistencies' surrounding Willis's use of federal grant funds were discovered just weeks after a judge ruled the embattled district attorney could remain on her election interference case against Trump," the report said.

That ruling came on the condition that the paramour she had hired, Nathan Wade, leave the case. That decision now is on appeal.

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