Feds: 'Christian and affordable' colleges 10 times worse than hiding sex offenders

 December 11, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Federal bureaucrats consider being "private, Christian, and affordable," for an institution of higher education, to be 10 times worse than concealing sex offenders.

At least that's the conclusion from officials at the Goldwater Institute, who are demanding information about the Biden Department of Education's agenda against Grand Canyon University of Phoenix, and say a lawsuit will follow if the immediate results aren't satisfactory.

Jon Riches and Matta Beienburg of Goldwater have written a commentary explaining the government's move, a $37.7 million fine, against the Christian organization.

"In its latest assault on institutions that fail to adhere to its ideological bent, the Biden administration just imposed the largest fine in the history of the U.S. Department of Education on Grand Canyon University (GCU) — a school whose motto is 'private, Christian, and affordable.' And incredibly, the penalty is 10 times bigger than that levied against schools who covered up some of the worst sex offenders in U.S. history," they explain.

But by "any metric," the school is a success story, having grown from a tiny school with fewer than 1,000 students to one of the largest private schools in the country and offering degrees in "every conceivable discipline."

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