FBI raids home of another top aide to New York City Mayor Eric Adams

 February 29, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The FBI has raided the home of another top aide to New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

The Daily Mail reported the target of the raid was a Bronx home belonging to Winnie Greco, a longtime adviser to Adams.

The report said the 61-year-old Greco already was being probed by the city's Department of Investigation over allegations she used her position in city hall for her personal benefit, and she's currently on leave from her post as director of Asian affairs.

However, it was unclear what the goal of the raid involved.

One earlier accusation alleged she promised a job to a campaign volunteer in exchange for doing work in her kitchen.

A report at Fox News noted that the search comes just as there's an ongoing federal review related to political fundraising during Adams' most recent campaign, in 2021.

An FBI official confirmed the raid at 1447 Gillespie Avenue, owned by Greco,

Fox explained, "The city’s Department of Investigation opened an inquiry into Greco last November, following a report from The City, a local news site, that raised questions about her political fundraising and whether she used her position in the administration to obtain personal benefits, including free housework from a city employee."

It was just months ago that the FBI raided the home of Brianna Suggs, an Adams fundraiser, apparently in connection with a campaign fundraising issue, and then a few days later, law enforcement officers seized the mayor's cell phone and an iPad.

The New York Times suggested the investigation could have to do with claims Adams' campaign conspired with the Turkish government to get illegal donations from foreign sources.

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