Fani Willis now facing new hurdles in her attack on Trump

 April 5, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Fani Willis, the district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, who is orchestrating a series of organized crime allegations against President Donald Trump, barely escaped being removed from the case by a judge who found an "aura of mendacity" in the court testimony about her conflict of interest.

She had hired, at a cost to taxpayers of nearly $700,000, her paramour to assemble the claims against Trump.

When that conflict, confirmed by Judge Scott McAfee as an appearance of conflict, was raised by a Trump co-defendant McAfee ruled that either she had to go, or her paramour, Nathan Wade, had to go. He resigned.

But now there's a long list of new obstacles appearing for Willis and her case that claims an organized crime conspiracy happened when Trump commented – very negatively – about the 2020 presidential election results.

And the threat of contempt of Congress.

And charges she illegally recorded a telephone call with one of the defense lawyers in the case.

That would not be entirely new, as reports have confirmed that the original trigger for the case, a telephone call involving President Trump, actually was recorded illegally but used to start an investigation.

The Washington Examiner confirmed Willis is "staring down new hurdles" even though McAfee said she could stay on the case, with conditions.

Those hurdles include that Trump's lawyers are appealing McAfee's decision, charging that he made such a significant error in allowing Willis to stay that it needs immediate review.

McAfee had confirmed Willis' "tremendous lapse in judgment" in hiring her paramour for the case. She was alleged to have benefited financially as she took vacations to exotic locations, apparently paid for by Wade. Willis claimed she repaid him in cash, but there were no records to corroborate her claim.

Trump's appeal cites "legal error" requiring an "immediate review."

The appellate court would "need to revisit detailed aspects of Willis’s personal life. Willis created an appearance of a conflict of interest with her relationship with Wade, according to McAfee, and she may have also lied under oath about it, the judge said," according to the report.

Also, state senators say they must investigate Willis for impropriety, as Lt. Gov. Burt Jones has cited an obligation to review Willis and her "potential misuse of taxpayer money."

"Our investigative committee has the right and the responsibility to get to the bottom of this situation, particularly the potential misuse of taxpayer money," he said.

From Washington has been a warning from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan about a contempt citation over an inquiry he launched into her use of federal grant money.

Further, the Examiner documents, "Harrison Floyd, one of Trump’s co-defendants, could exacerbate Willis’s troubles. Floyd threatened legal action against Willis this week after he discovered a call between Willis and Floyd’s attorney had been recorded without the attorney’s permission."

He said Willis needs to be off the case by Monday or, "I may have no other choice than to pursue all lawful remedies."

There's also a bar association complaint requesting Willis be disbarred.

WND reported just a day earlier Willis got a huge vote of no-confidence from longtime constitutional expert and Democrat activist Alan Dershowitz, a retired Harvard professor.

He said, "She ought to be on trial for perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury, witness tampering. The evidence is overwhelming that she committed perjury, including technical scientific evidence and several witnesses.

"Essentially, she got kickbacks for appointing this highly unqualified person to head the prosecution. I sure hope the appellate court takes the case and throws her out of the case and recommends that there be a criminal investigation … we have to have an independent prosecutor of some kind looking into what is an open and shut case of perjury," he said.

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