Fani Willis blocks House Republicans from investigating lover Nathan Wade

 January 29, 2024

Embattled Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis shrugged off questions from House Republicans about the work of her alleged lover, Nathan Wade, on Willis' prosecution of President Trump. 

The inquiry from House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) was directed at Wade, but Willis answered on his behalf.

Willis stonewalls

Willis and Wade have been accused of profiting off the Trump case and coordinating with the Biden administration. Wade was allegedly paid over $600,000 for his work.

In a recent letter to Wade, Jordan asked for "all invoices, including credit card statements and individualized reimbursement requests, submitted by you or your law partners to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office relating to its investigation of President Trump."

Willis has not denied the relationship, and she has publicly defended Wade as a "great friend and a great lawyer" with "impeccable credentials" despite his lack of experience, which has raised questions about his appointment to such a significant, high-profile case.

In a letter to Jordan on behalf of Wade, Willis ignored newly public evidence of her relationship with Wade and accused Jordan of pestering her with meritless demands.

“Your letter is simply a restatement of demands that you have made in past correspondence for access to evidence in a pending Georgia criminal prosecution," she wrote.

Case in jeopardy

In a similarly feisty September letter, Willis blasted Jordan's investigation as "offensive" and accused him of overreach into a state matter.

Her answer hasn't changed, in spite of the newly public evidence of her affair.

“As I said previously, your requests implicate significant, well-recognized confidentiality interests related to an ongoing criminal matter," she wrote.

"Your requests violate principles of separation of powers and federalism, as well as respect for the legal protections provided to attorney work product in ongoing litigation. I refer you to my previous responses to your inquiry for more detailed analysis.”

Wade's invoices show that he met with White House officials and the January 6th committee. Jordan is seeking more information about Wade's relationship with Willis and any contacts Wade had with the White House.

Willis is separately fighting a subpoena from Wade's wife, who submitted credit card statements in divorce court showing that Wade paid for Willis' airplane tickets.

The scandal has thrown the entire trial into doubt.

The judge overseeing the case has set a hearing for next month to consider the misconduct claims against Willis.

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