Famous actor warns Americans of who is delivering State of the Union

 March 7, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Just as Joe Biden was getting prepared to deliver Thursday's State of the Union address to the nation, James Woods issued a reminder to those who may watch.

About just who is giving the address.

"The worst person ever ensconced in the Oval Office" and "this angry foul creature."

See the warning:

Woods explained Biden would deliver the speech, all the while dodging "all responsibility for the border catastrophe that is solely his doing. He will ignore the inflation crippling American families. He will blame the gang violence destroying America's cities on the fictitious 'white supremacy' of heartland Americans. And he will do it all with the same forked tongue he has used to slither through half a century of politics, corruption, and lies. He is the worst person ever ensconced in the Oval Office."

At The Gateway Pundit was the blunt comment: "Actor James Woods unloaded on Joe Biden in the runup to tonight’s SOTU speech. No one like James Woods can put into words what we all are feeling."

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