FAA creates 'secret code words' for blacks to soar over whites

 January 31, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Members of a special caucus among FAA workers that is designated for blacks have been given "secret code words" to use on resumes to skip to the head of the line when positions open up for advancement, according to a revealing report in Revolver.

The report cites a social media posting that reveals insider communications involving the National Black Caucus of Federal Aviation Employees.

Those instructions, addressed to “WSC Brothers and Sisters, explain, “It has been confirmed, that there will NOT be a selection panel for the open bid on February 10th. Instead, FAA Human Resources will scan in resumes and the computer will group resumes based on keywords (aka, ‘Buzz Words’). These buzzwords will flag your resume, thereby giving you the advantage over thousands of resumes that may flood the system.

”A list of these buzzwords is attached to this email. This list is being provided to you through one of our members in HR. I encouraged you to keep a lid on this attachment and focus on YOUR resume.”

It warns against allowing “the entire country” to catch “wind of this attachment.”

And it asks that this all be confidential “between yourselves and the NBCFAE.”

Revolver explained, “It’s no secret that the U.S. airline industry is currently plagued with scandal, fear, and a lot of turbulence. Much of the turmoil is linked to their obsessive focus on the left’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda. DEI prioritizes factors like skin color, gender identity, and sexual orientation over actual skills and talent in their hiring process.”

The report continued, “There’s this shocking new report about the FAA. They’ve got this ‘secret word code’ for black aviation students’ resumes. The goal is to push these resumes to the front, possibly skipping over other folks who might be far more qualified.”

The social media report noted, “In another instance of the signals to go to the front of the line was to say the high school class you received your lowest grades in was ‘Science.’ Yes, they shot you to the front of the line if you said your worst grades were in Science.”

The report also cited a New York Times investigation that found “safety lapses and near misses” were surging, doubling from 987 to 1,732.

”We no longer focus on excellence; instead, we focus on wokeness. The aggressive substitution of merit in favor of diversity has led to a so-called competency crisis, jeopardizing not only our ability to generate innovative technology but, in a more dire sense, our ability to simply maintain the proper functioning of various complex systems vital to our existence as a first-world civilization.”

WND columnist Dennis Prager explained just this week travelers should avoid United Airlines over its pledge to have 50% of its flight deck personnel from a “diverse" group of people including “people of color.”

”The bottom line is clear: It will no longer be merit alone that determines who half of United's pilots-in-training will be; it will be race and sex (or ‘gender,’ as the Left prefers to call it). Despite the New York Times and the rest of the Left defending United, there is no other honest conclusion to draw,” he said.

”As one who flies about 100 times a year, often on United, this worries me. Until now, I rarely worried about safety issues. I have certainly never feared flying,” he explained. “But this is troubling enough that, although I will probably have flown a million miles on United by the end of 2024 and I am at the second-highest level available to United Airlines flyers (Premier Platinum), I will now do my best to avoid flying United. I am also giving up my United Visa card.”

He explained, “It is important for me to note that until now I could not care less if my pilot was black, white, male or female. I have flown on planes with black pilots and female pilots, and I slept equally well on board. Those of us who oppose United's affirmative action do not do so for race- or sex-based reasons. To cite a medical example, people of every color sought Dr. Ben Carson if they needed one of the country's best neurosurgeons for their child. But if people know that a hospital was hiring surgeons using affirmative action criteria, they might well think twice before undergoing surgery with a minority surgeon.”

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