Ex-RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel joins NBC after leaving the RNC

 March 23, 2024

Ronna McDaniel - the former leader of the Republican National Committee (RNC), who also happens to be the niece of U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) - is joining NBC News. 

That's right, she's going from the RNC to NBC - which probably says a thing or two about McDaniel and why it is that she "resigned" from the RNC.

NBC News, according to the New York Times, announced on Friday that McDaniel will be joining the network.

The Times reports NBC News political chief Carrie Budoff Brown, in a memo that was sent around to employees, as saying, "It couldn’t be a more important moment to have a voice like Ronna’s on the team."

Here's what McDaniel's role will be:

In the memo, Brown said that McDaniel will provide "an insider’s perspective on national politics and the future of the Republican Party."

Fox News reports that McDaniel, for NBC, will be "an on-air contributor to all NBC News and MSNBC platforms." In other words, she is going to be a political analyst for the network, appearing on both NBC News and MSNBC.

This all comes after McDaniel, last month, resigned as the chairwoman of the RNC. It appears that former President Donald Trump played a large role in this decision, and, after McDaniel stepped down, Trump wasted no time putting allies in RNC leadership positions.

At the time she resigned, McDaniel said that she would "remain committed to winning back the White House and electing Republicans up and down the ballot in November." Presumably, this includes getting Trump - the Republican Party's presidential nominee - elected as the next U.S. president.

This is one thing that makes her decision to join NBC particularly interesting.

The big question: Will McDaniel support Trump?

It is no secret that NBC is a network that specializes in leftist propaganda. In fact, if you have ever seen any of their programs, then you know that the network does not even try to hide this fact.

Accordingly, the big question going forward is whether McDaniel, during her NBC appearances, will speak favorably of Trump. Another question is whether the network will even allow her to speak favorably of Trump, assuming that she would want to do so.

Fox points out that this situation is not unprecedented. In fact, NBC has also hired another former RNC chair - Micahel Steele, and, according to Fox, Steele, "regularly offers liberal talking points on MSNBC."

We'll have to see if McDaniel does the same.

Her first appearance on NBC is expected to take place on Sunday's broadcast of Meet The Press. 

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