Ex-network anchor hints at assassination of Trump

 March 18, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Keith Olbermann, formerly an MSNBC anchor known for his wild and outlandish ideas, such as his suggestion to dissolve the U.S. Supreme Court, now has gone on social media with an implied threat to President Donald Trump.

It was a Joe Biden campaign account that commented about Trump explaining he's been persecuted worse than any president in history, including Abraham Lincoln, and Olbermann said, "There's always hope."

Fox News cited Olbermann's reputation for "inflammatory" statements.

Fox reported, "One account that responded to Olbermann's post suggested the commentator's account should be 'permanently suspended' for appearing to endorse someone killing Trump, the presumptive nominee for the 2024 Republican nomination. Trump is trying to become only the second president since Grover Cleveland to win another White House term after losing a previous re-election bid."

Off the Press explained Olbermann appeared to "hope" that Trump "would be assassinated."

The Biden campaign statement had said, "Trump says he has been treated worse than Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated."

It's not the first statement that could be seen as a threat to Trump.

The Gateway Pundit earlier reported that Alex Soros "tweeted out an obvious threat against President Trump on Sunday evening."

The image included a picture of a bullet hole and a sum of $47. Under the image, he said, "Last year, the crime and inflation crises largely evaporated. So did the leading theories about what had caused them."

The Pundit report noted, "Being subtle like a brick through a window the billionaire leftist posts a picture of a 'Bullet Hole' and '$47.' President Donald Trump is going to be the 47th President."

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