'Evil is here': Hundreds of Bibles set on fire near Christian church

 March 31, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Someone apparently has a serious problem with the Word of God, as police investigate the intentional burning Sunday of about 200 Bibles near a Christian church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee.

Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church took to social media Sunday morning to inform congregants of the incident, saying:

"Happy Resurrection Sunday. This morning at 6:00 AM our security cameras caught a man dropping off a trailer in the middle of the intersection and blocking the road into our church. He then got out and set fire to an entire trailer full of Bibles right in front of our church.

"There was a lady that had driven through the night to get to our church and she was in the parking lot and was able to get the police officers here quickly, but it was quite the scene to wake up to on my first morning back from Israel. Had to block traffic in all directions but they are almost finished cleaning it up. It's going to be a great day in the Lord."

The Wilson County Sheriff's Office noted: "The trailer, containing Bibles, had been dropped off in the middle of the intersection and then intentionally set on fire.

"To uphold the integrity of the ongoing investigation, other specific details cannot be provided at this time. However, we assure the community that further updates will be shared at the appropriate juncture."

Locke told WKRN-TV he was shocked when he saw the burned Bibles in the trailer.

"It was strange because he [the suspect] had his blinkers on and he scotched the wheels and everything," Locke said.

"He was very meticulous, so he had to be very courageous to do what he did. We've had people do things to our building, we've been vandalized a number of times, hence why we have to have security, but never 200 Bibles being burned. That's a pretty rebellious statement towards the church."

He added: "What people think many times is going to stop us, really just encourages us, in a weird way, to know that we're doing what's right."

The incident got a variety of reactions online, including:

"This is beyond belief that someone could be so evil."

"This was right in front of my church. Seems like a threat to me."

"Hate crime!"

"You are not alone. They are doing unspeakable things to me and my family as well. They don't just need prayer, they need deliverance."

"This is so crazy, never in all of my years have I heard of such a thing praying that all involved find the lord. Have a great and blessed day."

"Well that's what happens when you take God out of schools and kids are not taught to respect the word of God. Those kids have grown up into the adults we have today. I bet you won't find any iPads or computer games in a pile on fire anywhere."

"This reeks of Locke. Start there first."

"Publicity stunt."

"Sick individual(s) to burn Bibles! God have mercy on their soul!"

"Evil is here and it's close."

"I wonder where the guy got all the Bibles from? Been collecting them for many years?"

"If the devil isn't chasing you you're going the wrong way."

"Blasphemy! What an evil satanic POS who wants to burn the Bible!"

Officials say anyone who may have additional information and/or camera footage is urged to contact the sheriff's office at 615-444-1459.

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