Donald Trump appeals Fani Willis ruling

 March 30, 2024

Former President Donald Trump just appealed the Georgia judge's decision to allow Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) to remain on the Trump case.

The Hill reports that Trump's legal team filed their appeal with the Georgia Court of Appeals on Friday, March 30, 2024.

Trump has been joined in the appeal by eight of his co-defendants. These are Trump associates whom Willis has criminally charged - along with Trump - for their attempt to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election.

The overall goal of the appeal is to, once and for all, get Willis removed from the case.


It is Fulton Country Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee who is overseeing the case against Trump. This is the judge who has also decided to allow Willis to remain on the case.

The defendants attempted to have Willis removed from the case after it was discovered that Willis had been in a relationship with Attorney Nathan Wade, the man whom she selected to lead her prosecution of Trump. It was further discovered that Wade used the money that Willis gave him to prosecute Trump to take her on trips.

McAfee oversaw the removal hearing and, despite what many legal experts saw as damning evidence - including evidence that Wade and Willis may have been less than honest in their testimony - McAfee allowed Willis to remain on the case so long as Wade was kicked off the case.

Accordingly, Wade stepped aside, and the Trump case has proceeded with Willis leading the way.

Now, however, Trump is taking the matter to the appellate courts, hoping that they will be willing to do what McAfee refused to do, namely, remove Willis.

"The trial court erred"

In their appeal, Trump's legal team essentially argues that McAfee made a legal error by not removing Willis.

"While the trial court factually found DA Willis’s out-of-court statements were improper and Defendants proved an apparent conflict of interest, the trial court erred as a matter of law by not requiring dismissal and DA Willis’ disqualification. This legal error requires the Court’s immediate review," the appeal reads, according to Fox News.

Willis's office now has 10 days to respond to Trump's appeal.

At the time of this writing, the office has not released a public statement on the matter.

Thus far, no trial date has been set for Willis' case against Trump. The former president has been trying to get the case delayed until after the 2024 presidential election, in which he is the Republican frontrunner.

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