Does men in women's bathrooms and showers violate national law?

 May 19, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new wrinkle has developed in a campaign across the United Kingdom to promote the transgender ideology: that men who simply say they are women should be given unlimited access to private facilities for women, from restrooms and changing rooms to showers.

It seems that recommendation may violate the nation's Equality Act.

The explanation of the development is coming from the Christian Institute, which said, "Advice from the professional body for HR permitting men who claim to be women to access women’s facilities may breach the Equality Act."

It is a group called Sex Matters, which campaigns for clarity on biological sex in law and policy, that is calling on the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development to scrap its gender self-ID toilet policy.

The report said, "Last week, the government reaffirmed its commitment to require every new public building in England to provide single-sex toilets or self-contained unisex facilities."

But CIPD claims, "refusing to allow a transgender or nonbinary person to use the facilities they feel most comfortable in may be discrimination."

The CIPD insists its policy "makes clear that employers should listen carefully to employees and seek legal advice where necessary if making decisions over the use of toilets and other facilities."

Maya Forstater, the chief of the Sex Matters advocacy organization, said suggesting "legal advice" really doesn't meet the needs.

She said she'll be reporting to authorities locations where there are transgender promotions in conflict with the Equality Act.

Those complaints already have been requested, the report said, by Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch, who wants "examples where a public institution is either issuing guidance or has a policy that is not in accordance with the Equality Act" for single-sex spaces.

Badenoch had shared a result of the extreme agenda being pursued by the transgender advocates, citing girls at a school with gender-neutral toilets who developed urinary tract infections because they "didn't want to use the same toilets as boys."

The government's Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities said the plans were needed to "halt the march of gender-neutral toilets," and Badenoch explained the provisions will "create better provision for women so that our particular biological, health and sanitary needs are met."

The government's own announcement said there will be "new requirements" for single-sex facilities "to alleviate safety, privacy and dignity concerns."

It reported, "The new legislation follows the results of a consultation on the proposals, where responses showed 81% agreed with the intention for separate single-sex toilet facilities and 82% agreed with the intention to provide universal toilets where space allows.  A universal toilet is self-contained, and a fully enclosed toilet room with a wash hand basin for individual use."

It proposed, "The new requirements will mean everyone can access appropriate facilities either through a separate single-sex space or a self-contained, universal toilet."

On a practical scale, the changes will be in building rules, and "will mean that new non-domestic buildings, including restaurants, shopping centers, offices and public toilets will be required to provide separate single-sex toilets for women and men. Self-contained, universal toilets may be provided in addition, where space allows, or instead of single-sex toilets where there isn’t enough space."

Badenoch's statement said, "These regulations will guide organizations to design unisex and single-sex toilets, ending the rise of so-called 'gender-neutral' mixed sex toilet spaces, which deny privacy and dignity to both men and women."

Housing Minister Lee Rowley explained, "It is vital that new buildings, particularly in public spaces, are serving the community with right toilet provision. The government is clear that single-sex spaces are essential for ensuring privacy and dignity for the elderly, women, and girls."

The government noted other, similar, changes are in the works.

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