Documents show Biden used private emails for government work – like Hillary!

 May 28, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Back in the day when twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was running for the White House, then-FBI chief James Comey confirmed she had used private email channels for government business.

The results included that she gave people without security clearances access to classified material and possibly exposed them to America's enemies because those channels were not secure.

This also was the scandal that included Clinton, who had been Barack Obama's secretary of state, trying to scrub tens of thousands of emails from any location that could be traced or exposed.

In fact, federal officials determined that they couldn't determine if the government details ever had been hacked because of Clinton's behavior, which Comey confirmed would trigger a firing if it was done by another federal employee.

Now it appears another Obama pick – then-Vice President Joe Biden, was involved in similar behavior that possibly also skirted the law.

It is revealed in a report from Just the News, which has been pursuing Biden's details through Freedom of Information demands and lawsuits.

Communications among federal officials are supposed to happen on secure government email systems, the report noted, but "to date Biden has not offered any explanation why his private email account was used."

In fact, the National Archives confirms there are tens of thousands of emails under three personal emails Biden had set up.

"While he was vice president, Joe Biden received sensitive communications via his private email accounts created under a fictitious identity, including foreign policy discussions with his national security adviser, schedules of meetings with Cabinet secretaries and a summary of at least one intelligence briefing to President Barack Obama, according to new emails obtained by Just the News," the organization reported.

One of those emails was identified as

The emails apparently were not marked classified, but the reported noted, "several included sensitive information transmitted over an insecure Google email account that could be of value to foreign powers and hostile spy agencies."

The report noted Biden also has not explained why the private email messages were not forwarded to a government system, which is the procedure for federal workers who do, in fact, utilize private emails. Nor has he explained his decision to use false identities.

"Ironically, Biden was vice-president when President Obama introduced on his first day in office, the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government, boasting that it would usher in 'a new era of open and accountable government meant to bridge the gap between the American people and their government,'" the report said.

The report explained, "One clear pattern is that Biden staffers felt comfortable sending official information to Biden’s pseudonymic accounts, including schedules of meetings, even when they involved sensitive figures. For instance, White House official Cathy Cheung sent a tentative itinerary that revealed Biden was planning a private meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at the Naval Observatory in fall 2012."

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