Dems facing possible ethics probe for turning House floor into political rally

 May 15, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives have some fairly strong protections when they are in the House, debating legislation.

The Constitution's debate clause outlines how they are "privileged from arrest" for all cases except treason, felony and breach of the peace during their time there.

"And in going to and from the same."

But they are not exempt from ethics complaints.

As members of the Democrat party are finding out.

The issue, according to the Washington Examiner, is that they turned the House into a political rally for Ukraine, waving that nation's flags, when the body voted for a billion dollar American tax dollar handout to that nation.

It is the Heritage Foundation that is demanding accountability.

"The only flags that belong on the floor of the U.S. House are American flags," explained Mike Howell, of Heritage's Oversight Project, in the report.

"It shouldn’t take an ethics complaint from the Oversight Project to instigate consequences for this flagrant violation of the rules."

The project has sent a letter to the House Ethics Committee calling for a review of the actions of 28 House Democrats who flaunted the foreign country's flag in the House chamber.

The letter charges multiple violations, including their defiance of House rules requirement members to "behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House."

"The conduct of waving the flag impugns the reputation of the House because foreign flags dilute the primacy and importance of deep American traditions, American lives sacrificed, and the land that the American flag represents," the letter said. "Not only do these flagrant displays of foreign capitulation disrespect our American heritage and the American way of life, but it also directly insults the American people."

A second violation could be made from the rule banning members from participating in "disorderly or disruptive conduct."

Already, some House members have proposed legislation that would ban the display of any foreign flag on the House floor, ever.

The letter specifically names Reps. Seth Magaziner of Rhode Island, Bill Pascrell Jr. of New Jersey and Diana DeGette of Colorado.

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