Democrats resurrect Russiagate just in time for 2024 election

 February 27, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Desperate to derail former President Donald Trump's candidacy back in 2016, Democrats used a bogus dossier created by a former British spy to convince voters Trump was "colluding with the Russians" to win the election.

Although Trump ultimately won, the investigation triggered by the allegations made in the now-debunked dossier exerted a hugely negative impact on the first three years of his presidency.

Then, when the New York Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story just a few weeks before the November 2020 presidential election, raising concerns that then-candidate Joe Biden had been involved in his son's foreign influence-peddling business, Democrats teamed up with Big Tech and the media to suppress the story. This was followed up by a letter signed by 51 former intelligence community leaders who claimed the laptop story had all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. But as is now known, that utterly false letter had secretly been instigated by then-Biden campaign adviser and current Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The letter proved key to Biden's victory. Just days after it was published, Biden used it to effectively shut down Trump when he raised the topic in their final presidential debate.

Although Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said he would prefer a Biden win in November, Democrats are turning once again to a contrived Russian disinformation campaign to discredit the House Republicans' Biden impeachment inquiry.

Last summer, Republicans released a June 2020 FBI FD-1023 report in which a confidential human source, or CHS, alleged that Joe Biden and his son Hunter each accepted $5 million bribes from Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of the notorious energy conglomerate Burisma Holdings, in exchange for policy intervention on his company's behalf. It was an explosive revelation but was just one piece of the treasure trove of evidence that House investigators have collected over the past year.

Then almost two weeks ago, on Feb. 15, Special Counsel David Weiss's office announced it had arrested Alexander Smirnov, an FBI informant since 2010, for "making a false statement" to the FBI and "creating a false and fictitious record."

In a subsequent court filing, the Weiss team enumerated Smirnov's extensive "contacts with Russian officials who are affiliated with Russian intelligence services" and claimed they were "not benign." The filing also stated he "has had such contacts recently."

Following his arrest, Smirnov was released with an ankle monitor, and then rearrested last Thursday at his lawyer's office in downtown Las Vegas and transferred to a California jail, where he will remain in custody until his trial. Prosecutors convinced the judge that Smirnov represented a flight risk.

According to the New York Times, Smirnov was rearrested because Weiss's prosecutors "grew alarmed after a search of the $980,000 condo where he has lived for the past two years revealed nine handguns."

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