Democrats connected to NY judge in Trump case raised $93 million

 March 31, 2024

Concerns regarding potential conflicts of interest have resurfaced in the trial of former President Donald Trump's hush-money case, with sources close to Trump's legal team considering a motion for Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan's recusal.

This follows remarks from a former prosecutor suggesting that Merchan's daughter's political ties could compromise the impartiality of the trial.

The concerns

The focus of concern lies with Loren Merchan, the president of Authentic Campaigns, a progressive political consulting firm based in Chicago. The firm boasts prominent Democratic clients, including California Rep. Adam Schiff and the Senate Majority PAC. Trump's spokesperson, Steven Cheung, emphasized the financial benefit Loren's firm gains from the case, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest.

Loren Merchan's firm has been instrumental in raising substantial campaign funds, notably aiding Schiff's US Senate campaign, which accumulated $20 million in donations since leveraging Trump's indictment last April.

The Senate Majority PAC, supporting Democratic Senate campaigns, amassed $73.6 million in donations following Trump's indictment.

Critics highlight bias

Critics have pointed to the potential bias stemming from Justice Merchan's daughter's involvement in anti-Trump politics. Legal experts, including constitutional and criminal law attorney Alan Dershowitz, have highlighted the legal basis for recusal due to close relationships.

Loren Merchan's prior work for Vice President Kamala Harris's 2020 presidential campaign and her public commentary on digital media suggest a political stance that may impact the judge's objectivity.

In response to mounting concerns, Justice Merchan issued a limited gag order on Trump, restricting his ability to publicly criticize certain trial participants while permitting comments about the judge and his family.

Trump, however, took to his Truth Social platform to express his grievances, alleging bias on Merchan's part and referencing his daughter's political affiliations.

“Judge Juan Merchan, a very distinguished looking man, is nevertheless a true and certified Trump Hater who suffers from a very serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. In other words, he hates me! His daughter is a senior executive at a Super Liberal Democrat firm that works for Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff, the Democrat National Committee, Senate Majority PAC, and even Crooked Joe Biden,” Trump wrote.

The upcoming trial

As the trial date approaches, questions persist regarding the impartiality of the judicial process, particularly given the involvement of individuals with political ties. Justice Merchan, who has previously supported Democratic causes, has yet to address these concerns publicly.

The potential ramifications of political affiliations in the judiciary underscore the need for a transparent and impartial legal process.

With the trial set to begin on April 15, Trump's legal team's considerations for Merchan's recusal add further complexity to an already wild legal battle facing Trump as he pursues a comeback bid for the White House.

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